You know I love you

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Chapter 61: You know I love you

"Reenaa, you can't get all emotional everytime I say something like that." Pearl said, rubbing the Octoling's back as they stood in their studio. Inklings and Octolings were watching but she didn't care.

"I-I know it's just- I'm so overwhelmed with joy and love!" Marina sniffled. Pearl gently pulled the Octoling to her pink beanie chair and pushed her into the chair. Now having the rare height advantage, she pulls the Octoling into her and embraces her tightly. Marina hugs back, stuffing her face in Pearl's chest.

Pearl could almost hear the fans excited shouts but thanks to their soundproof window, all she can hear is Marina's sniffles and hiccups.

"I love ya so much. Such a lucky squid to have such an amazing partner." Pearl said, closing her eyes. She can feel her own eyes tear up a bit. "Man now I'm feelin' all sappy and junk. I'll say it a thousand times more on air to show everyone I love Marina Ida."

"P-Pearlieeee!" Marina sobbed. Pearl pulls back slightly to see her DJ in a new wave of tears. The inkling wipes away those tears and kisses her forehead. "I'm sorry, babe. I can't help it sometimes." Pearl grabs Marina's hand and presses against her chest, where her heart is beating. "You feel that? My heart does this every time I go near you. Thumping so fast ain't it?"

Marina nods. "I-It's thumping just like mine."

Pearl chuckles and reached up to wipe her small tears. "Let's go home yeah? I'll carry you."

"Alright. In my Octo or?"

"Nah. I wanna hold my girl in my arms. Don't switch." Pearl replied. Marina blushed and nodded. She hooked her arms around Pearl's neck as the inkling went to loop her arms under Marina's legs and back.

Marina rested her head aganist Pearl's shoulder as Pearl held her tight and close. The Inkling pressed another kiss on her forehead before she headed out the door. She may be small but she's also pretty strong. Marina was super light anyway.
Pearl placed Marina on her feet as they stood outside of Pearl's mansion. Marina quickly grabbed the Inkling's hand and gave it a squeeze. Pearl smiled at the Octoling.

With her other hand, she twisted the door and pulled the Octoling in the dark house.

"So whatcha wanna do? Go out for dinner? Or a walk?"

Before Marina can answer, she felt Pearl's hand get jerked away from her as she hears the rapper shout in surprise and a thud. "P-Pearl?"

The lights came on and Marina felt relieved and surprised as she sees Sky hugging Pearl on the floor and all their friends in the center of the room. The room was filled with small decorations and a ice cream cake was on the counter.

"What are you guys doing here?! Wha-"

Marie chuckled and pointed up to the banner above them.


"Splatfest are done for the next 2 years. We wanted to celebrate your time of doing Inkopolis News. It's not an easy job as Marie and I were the previous ones but you guys are amazing hostesses! Everyone loves you two." Callie explained, smiling.

Pearl finally got up after being tackled and looks around. "You guys are wild." She chuckles. "Thanks!"

"Yo are you all wearing shirts that represent our Splatfest?" She asked as she looks at everyone.

Sky wore squid shirt and Tera wore an octo shirt. Marie had on a shirt with a werewolf while Callie had a Vampire. Rico had a shirt that said family and Kakoshi had a shirt saying friends.

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