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Au finale

"W-Was that all of em?" Pearl panted as she rested against the wall. Her hands weakly clenches her dualies. Marina peeks out and gives the area a quick scan. "Yeah I think so."

One of the Octolings, who were in the center of the place called out to them in Octarian. Marina tugged Pearl to her troops.

The shorter one saluted towards Marina, who dismissed the gesture. They were speaking in Octarian.

Pearl got lost in her thoughts as she patiently waits for their conversation to be done.

Crazy how she meets her friend here of all places, after passing by numerous of times. The others are going to come crawling to her for forgiveness. She doesn't exactly forgive them for giving up so easily.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to find Marina smiling at her. She blushes and looks back down. "Uh what's going to happen now?"

"These guys are going to head back to dad to tell him what happened." Marina said, waving at the departing Octolings.

"Cool cool. The others are probably really worried about me." Pearl sighed. She folded her arms. "They didn't believe you were alive and gave up searching a while ago. They have tried to stop me but you know me hehe... Sky is the only one that believed you were alive as well."

"I can't blame them. I disappeared for over 2 weeks without a word." Marina replied as they walked out the now empty lobby. " I'm surprised you aren't furious with me."

"Why would I be mad at you for having an misunderstandment? I knew you were just upset and didn't mean to worry anyone. Just let a girl know next time, ya dork." Pearl grinned.

"Now come on! The others are waiting." Pearl pulled Marina as they ran.

"I'm going out there." Sky said, standing up. Tera stood up as well to grab the young Octoling's hand.

"Sky you can't! It's too dangerous and-"

"My mom is out there alone, doing cod knows what!" Sky cried out, tugging her hand away. "I can't just sit around here doing nothing."

"I'm sure Pearl's fine. She's probably making her way over here, realizing that Marina is really-"


They turn to find Pearl walking in with Marina, hand in hand.

"Tall mom!" Sky yelled as she rans into her mom's waiting arms. "You're alive! I knew it!"

Callie and Marie came over and joined the hug, the pink inkling shedding a few tears. "I can't believe this."

"How- where" Marie stuttered out.

"Octavio was telling the truth..." Tera wondered out loud as she looked at the ground.

"Damn right he was. I found her in the lobby. She was attacking the Salmonoid with a few others and succeeded." Pearl briefly explained.

"With Pearlie's help!"

"Marina mostly did everything. She put me in an arm lock when I first found her." The rapper chuckled. Marina smiled sheepishly. "I said I was sorry..."

"I know!"

Sky sniffled and smiled. "So glad to see you back!" The squid sisters nodded.

Tera stepped forward and patted Marina's shoulder. "If we had really known you were alive and well, all of us would of helped."

"Its okay. I understand." Marina smiled.

The Octoling felt her body slow down as her exhaustion caught up with her. Her eyes started to grow a little heavy. Pearl took notice of this and grabbed her hand. "I'll take you to my room. You can sleep there."

"Thanks Pearlie."


Marina was situated in bed. Pearl stood by her side as she got comfy.

"Is this fine for you?" Pearl asked.

"This is perfect. Thanks Pearlie." Marina yawned.

"You're welcome. If ya need me, I'll be in the other room with the others." Pearl said, patting her head. Then something came to mind.

Oh squit. I almost forgot about that.

"Hey Rina? Stay awake for a moment." Pearl said as she went over to her desk and pulled out a letter.

Marina's eyes widen as she recognized the letter in the Inkling's hand. "I forgot about that..."

"Y'know, when I first read this, I thought you splatted yourself..." Pearl grumbled. "Then I reread it and understood a little more. Then when I visited Octavio, I began to fully understand."

"I was so upset when I wrote that... I didn't even stop to think." Marina sighed. Then she remembered her last bit of the letter. She didn't want to bring it up.

"I also kept rereading the very last bit. That's what caught my eye the most y'know."

Marina turned away and let out a shaky breathe. "Oh cod..."

Pearl smiled and sat on the side of the bed. She gently faced the Octoling back towards her. She gently rubbed her cheek and leaned closer.

She closed the distance as she softly kissed Marina. She felt the Octoling tense up slightly before relaxing into the kiss. She pulled away and looked into Marina's seafoam eyes. "I love you too. Cod damn I do so very much."

"I would go into more detail with this but I don't wanna keep you up. But just know, I was so happy when I read those words. It's what pushed me to find you." Pearl said.

Marina smiled as a sudden warmth filled her body. Made her feel even more tired. "I...love you Pearlie. Thank you so much."

"You say thank you too much." Pearl chuckled. She kissed Marina's forehead. "I love you too"

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