Get Well Soon Marina

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Chapter 1: Get Well Soon Marina

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-

A groan emerged from underneath the blankets and brought a hand to shut the alarm off.

Pearl slowly rose from the blankets, shivering, now being exposed to the cold air.

Grabbing her phone, she checked the time it was. 8:30am was the time.

"Uh that's odd... Marina usually wakes me up before my alarm even goes off so I can get ready for wo- OH MY COD WE ARE SUPER LATE!" Pearl yelled

Pearl ran around the place trying to get ready.

Once she was done, she rushed to Marina's room and knocked frantically.

"Yo Mar, We gotta go like now!" Pearl said.

All she got in reply was a sniffle.


Pearl opened her door slowly

On the double sized black and teal bed was the Octoling herself.

"O-Oh hey Pearlie" greeted Marina.

Marina's voice was scratchy and didn't sound like her at all.

To go with her voice, Marina's face looked very ill. Puffy eyes, shivering slightly, bundled in blankets sniffling and alot more.

"Oh cod Marina!" Pearl exclamied.

Pearl went over and placed a hand on Marina's forehead and it was burning up.

"I'll be right back Mar"

After a few minutes, Pearl came back with a cold wet rag and a glass of water.

She places on Marina's forehead and gives her water.

"Tha-Thanks Pearl"

"I'll text our boss that we ain't going to work today" Pearl said

"We? But you seem fine"

Pearl rolled her eyes

"Someone's gotta take care of ya Mar"

"Oh right" Marina said with a chuckle but then started to cough a little.

"Easy there Marina. Get some more rest" Pearl said as she started to get up and head out the door.

"Wa-Wait Pearlie..."


"Can you stay with m-me please?" Marina asked.

"Sure Rina" Pearl said.

Pearl goes over to Marina's bed and lays next to her.

Marina moves closer to Pearl, placing her arms around Pearl's waist.

Soon the Octoling has fell asleep.

Pearl plants a kiss on her forehead.

"Get Well Soon Marina"

(I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of My Pearlina Short stories. This is my first Fanfic in a long time so it's gonna be trashy lol.) 


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