Speaking Different

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Chapter 18: Speaking Different

Note: In this chapter, to make things easier for me to do, Inkish is English and Octarian is Japanese. This is unofficial.

"Wow that sounds really good Marina!" Pearl says as the song they had just recorded ended.

"Well wouldn't sound good, if we didn't add your bits of singing." Marina replies, slightly chuckling.

"Even without that, it'll sound good Mar!" Pearl said, blushing at the mentioning of her singing.

Marina just giggled and went over to replay the song.

As Marina's verse kicked in, Pearl listened to how Marina would switch between Inkish and Octarian. She then gotten an idea.

Pausing the video, she turns to the DJ and grabs her hands with her eyes shining with excitement.

"Mar! Speak Octarian to me!" Pearl said.

"Wha?"  Marina said, startled by being requested such task.

"I want to hear you speak in your native Language!" Pearl explained.

"What brought this on?" The DJ asked.

"Well I notice you use your native language in Ebb and Flow during your solo verse and I want to hear it as if I can fully understand." The Inkling confessed.

Then she began to blush. "Also I think you sound really cute while speaking in Octarian."

Marina scooped Pearl into her arms and began twirling in circles which caused the Inkling to latch her arms around the younger idol's neck.

"Aww Pearlie! I'm super happy to know that my favorite rapping Inkling is interested in hearing my native language!" Marina gushed as she stopped twirling but countinued to hold the blushing inkling.

"When do you want me to speak in Octarian? The younger idol asked.

"You can speak it anytime beautiful" Pearl said which caused Marina to blush by the name she was given.

"Ok, but I gotta warn you, I might get a bit carried away to the point I won't speak Inkish for a while." Marina warned.

"As long as I get to hear your gorgeous voice then it'll be aight yo" Pearl flirted as she smiles.

Marina pats the older idol's head before clearing her throat.

"Anata wa totemo kawaīdesu!" (You are so cute!) Marina said with a blush.

"Kawai.... Sounds like you are calling me cute Mar!" Pearl guesses, with a slight blush.

"Sono tōri!" (That's right!) Marina said, as she gave the rapper a kiss on her cheek.

"Can you sing me a song from Octo canyon?" Pearl suddenly asked.

Marina nodded and quickly thought up with a song that she sung many times when she was down with the Octarians when she was a kid.

Pearl took a seat on the small loveseat in the studio, followed by Marina.

The younger idol took a deep breath before starting to sing.

As she sang in Octarian, Pearl couldn't help but stare at her in awe.

When she finished, she was tackled further into the couch by Pearl.

"That was so beautiful Mar... no wait you're so beautiful!" Pearl babbled on, while laying ontop of the taller blushing idol.

"Anata pearlie ni kansha!" (Thank you Pearlie!) The DJ said a she wrapped her arms around the inkling's waist.

And that's it for this chapter! I had Marina speak Japanese since Splatoon originated in Japan and all.

I might do a countinued part on about this short so stay tuned and I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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