Relationship revealed

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Chapter 52: Relationship revealed

"Mar, are you sure you wanna do this?" Pearl crossed her arms, looking up at the tall idol with her eyebrows scrunched up. Her golden eyes full of worry and concern.

Marina smiled and nodded. Her tentacles slightly moving, showing that she was a bit nervous. "Yes I'm sure Pearlie. It's getting harder and harder for us to keep our relationship a secret."

Pearl looks out the window and watches the inklings and Octolings run around. "Yeah you're right. People are already spreading rumors about us."

Marina grabbed Pearl's gloved hand and gave it a squeeze. "You're not nervous about this are you?"

Pearl glared at her girlfriend. "Of course I'm not! Are YOU nervous?"

Marina's free gloved hand went up to her long tentacle and slowly stroked it. "O-Of course not!"

Pearl smirked at her girlfriend. "You suuureee?" She teased, eyeing the way her tentacles were moving around.

Marina groaned. "Okay maybe a little... But I'm fineee Pearlie."

Pearl chuckled and briefly kissed the tall idol, having to step on her tippy toes. "Stop being nervous, you dork."

"Hey Marina don't we have some great news to share with everyone?" Pearl looked at the tall idol, as the music fades in the background. They stand on stage, looking at all the Octos and Squids in the square.

Marina steps out from behind her turntables and stands next to Pearl. Her hands are held up to her chest. "Y-Yes. Do you wanna tell them or should I?" Marina asked her partner.

Pearl held her chin as she thought for a sec. Then she smirked and grabbed one of Marina hands, lacing her pale one in the Octoling's darker ones.

Some fans shouted in joy at this simple action, causing the two to smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"Marina and I have been wanting to tell you guys this for a while. Since it's the last fest comin' up, when is a better to do so?" Pearl said, looking at the crowd.

Marina smiled at the inkling. "I'm sure many of you have heard some rumors about us. We're here to confirm what's true." Marina said. Her tentacles began to move around again, which Pearl noticed right away.

Shit, she's nervous again... Pearl thought and she fully turned towards her partner.

"I- um..." Marina stuttered. Pearl squeezed Marina's hand to gain her attention. When the Octoling looked down, Pearl leaned up and kissed her softly, earning shouts of surprise and joy from the crowd.

Pearl pulled away from the teal faced Octoling. "You get nervous too easily dork." She turned to the crowd, still holding Marina's hand. "We've been dating for almost 2 years!"

"T-Thats right." Marina quietly said. Marina can see the jellyfish, signalling them to stop what they are doing and continue their fest routine."Anyway that's all we had to share! We thought we get that out there for you fans!"

Pearl nodded and pumped her free hand in the air. "Hope you guys continue to support us and remember!

"Don't get cooked, Stay off the hook!"

"Sorry I froze up out there." Marina said as they enter their apartment. The pair toss their shoes and sit on the couch. Marina rests her head on Pearl's lap, as the rapper runs her hands over her tentacles.

Pearl smiled and planted a kiss on the Octoling's nose. "It's fine babe."

Marina smiled at the affection and pulled the inkling down for a proper kiss on the lips, which caused the small idol to chuckle through their kiss.

I'm back for a bit. Hope you enjoyed this short one!

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