Distance will never break us apart

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Chapter 50: Distance will never break us apart (Internet love AU)

Marina walks over to her desk and sits down in front of her computer.

She logs in and opens up her discord and clicks in one of her chats.

DJ_Hyperfresh: Hey Pearlie

While she waits for a response, She opens a new tab and plays virtual chess against other players.

After a few minutes of destroying players at the game, she hears a ping from her other tab. Quickly, she closes it and reads the message.

MC.Princess: Ayo Reena B)

DJ_Hyperfresh: I told you to stop calling me that >_<

MC.Princess: oh shush child. you and i both know you love that name :)

DJ_Hyperfresh: I-I don't know what youre talking about...

MC.Princess: then should I call you my baby instead ;)

Marina felt her face get really warm as she places her hands on her cheeks. Marina glances at her clock. It's only 8 in the morning and she's already make her feel fuzzy.

DJ_Hyperfresh: Oh my cod Pearl >_< Stop being so cute. It's too early for this!

MC.Princess: haha rina, its early for you but it's almost noon for me. watch em time zones babe.

DJ_Hyperfresh: Right, the time zones...

MC.Princess: Marina? What's wrong?

Marina stared at the screen, as she thinks about what's been bothering her. Pearl lived on the other side of the country from where Marina was. The two met on one of Pearl's pictures on Inkstagram. She posted about how much music had meant to her and Marina had posted a comment.

Her plain comment snatched Pearl's attention, causing them to exchange their thoughts on music in that same comment section. Then Pearl later asked if they could talk in their dms,which Marina quickly agreed to. Ever since then, they've continued to talk to one another.

A few months ago, Pearl had confessed to Marina that she had grown feelings and the Octoling was overjoyed,also having those feelings for the inkling.

MC.Princess: marina? you there?

Marina bit the bottom of her lip and began to respond.

DJ_Hyperfresh: Sorry Pearl. It's just I want to see you so bad...

MC.Princess: Wym? We video call almost everyday rina

DJ_Hyperfresh: No I mean. I want to see you...

MC.Princess: oh thats what ya mean....

All Marina wants is to hold her girlfriend in her arms, showing her how much she loves Pearl. She wanted to be able to see her with her own eyes instead of through a screen.

MC.Princess: Marina. I want to see you just as badly. Cod it kills me to not be able to hold you right now. Me being here all the way in Inkopolis while you are on the other side of the damn country fucking sucks. But know this. The distance will never take our love away. We'll see each other real soon love. Don't worry <3

"Why is she so perfect..." Marina said out loud, grinning at the words.

DJ_Hyperfresh: You're right Pearlie. This distance won't do a thing to my love for you. I love you Pearlie <3

MC.Princess: I love you too Reena <3 Pfft when did we get all sappy

DJ_Hyperfresh: I don't know Pearl ^_^, Probably because you started acting all cute on me.

MC.Princess: Pfft nah I think it's because you decided to act like such a dork.

DJ_Hyperfresh: Hm rightttt ^_^,

And that's all for this chapter.

This is dedicated to Lemonwedge, my amazing lover who manages to make me all warm every single day. Not sure if she still uses this account but I'm tagging her anyway :)

I don't know what made me do this but with the love I'm feeling towards her and all the Pearlina content being produced all at once, I'm just so overwhelmed with fluffiness >_<

Enough on my rambles. See you guys in the next chapter!

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