The Attack of Lil' Judd

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Chapter 29: The Attack Of Lil' Judd

"Um Mar?" Pearl called out as she and the engineer walked into the studio.

"Yes Pearlie?"

"Any idea why Lil' Judd is glaring at me right now?" The rapper points at the cat, who was indeed staring at Pearl with a very hateful look.

When Marina looked at the little cat, his expression changed to the complete opposite. He looked at Marina with the cutest expression and waved.

"Awww I can never get over how cute Lil' Judd is! Pearlie, Why would a sweet, innocent little cat do such a thing?" Marina said, waving back at the cat.

"I don't know... Maybe he just playing around or somethin'..." Pearl shrugged.

"It's time ladies! Lets get this show on the road!"

"Ok!" They both reply.
After announcing the stages, they began walking home. But as they walked, Pearl couldn't help but feel like she is being followed.

Could it be Lil' Judd? She thought, looking around. There was no sign of him.

She knows what she saw back at the studio. That little cat had been staring at her with that look all day!

She moved closer to Marina, to where their arms were touching as they walked.

The DJ looked at her as she got close. "Pearlie? Everything alright?"

"Y-Yeah just ya know... wanna be close to my favorite person!" She said, with a smile.

"Aww! Come here!" Marina places her arm around Pearl's shoulders and pulls her even closer than she already was.

As much as Pearl loved being close to Marina, she still gotta keep that tough squid act in public.

"Reena! Not in public!" The rapper pouted as she tried to wiggle put of her clutches but the Octoling was much stronger than she was.

"Oh hush. There is barely anyone here right now." The DJ said, giving the rapper a quick kiss on the cheek, which made the rapper turn pink.

As if on cue, an inkling boy was walking towards their way but stopped when he saw Marina kiss Pearl. The poor guy's face went from joy to complete sadness as he turns to walk away.

Pearl noticed this and began chuckling. "We've only been together for a couple months and you've broken pretty much half of the inkling boy's hearts already."

"It's not my fault that they seem to... 'Admire' me like that..."

"Yes it is. You're too cod damn sexy" Peal teased.


They finally made it home and had just finished dinner.

"Its late Pearlie, let's gets some sleep." Marina said, trying to pry her girlfriend off the couch.

"But I'm not tired..."

"Come on... You don't want to be late like last time!"

Pearl groaned as she got up, realizing her partner was right. "Fine..."

Marina chuckled. "My cod, you sound like kid, not wanting to going to school."

"Well if I'm a squid, I gotta be a kid as well ya know." Pearl said, referring to that song she found on Splatube.

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