Struggles and Forgotten Icecream

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Chapter 75: Struggles and Forgotten Icecream

Wack title but it's 11pm so cut me some slack pfft

Pearl staggered into the dark house, gasping for air as she holds her inking side. It was a deep wound. Real deep.

It was well past midnight. Her phone got smashed to pieces and she was lost for a good 15 minutes.

Here's what happened...

Pearl had went out late at night to hang with some old pals at a party. She realized it was getting really late and didn't want to worry her girlfriend too much so she silently walked out.

She didn't know that she was being followed until she was suddenly grabbed and pulled somewhere.

She kicked and shouted, trying to break free but there were too many arms around her. Eventually, they stopped in a spaced alley and thrown the rapper onto the ground.

They said some horrible stuff. Mostly about Marina and how she could date someone like Pearl, which made inkling extremely furious.

She began to say horrible stuff back and argue about why they should care about their relationship and all that.

The argument continued to escalate until it had reached its peak for Pearl. She punched one of the guys in the face, causing him to fall down.

This triggered a full on brawl. She exchanged many punches and kicks but she also took many blows to the head and stomach. That would surely leave many bruises and leave her with a massive headache. Maybe even a concussion due to how hard they were hitting her temple.

Despite the disadvantage of having 3 guys attacking her, she was winning so far. Once the men realized they were losing, one of them pulled out a blade. It wasn't too big of a blade but it was hella sharp.

The short inkling did her best to avoid the blade but because she was so focused on the blade, one of the guys grabbed her, halting her movement. The blade user took the chance to push the blade into Pearl's right side.

Pearl had cried out in pain as he twisted the blade deep into her.

She was losing ink. A lot of it. But she wasn't going down like that.

Somehow she got the strength to break free and push away both men. With a grunt, she pulled the blade out of her side, causing the ink to flow out, dripping onto the concrete. She held her wound and tossed the blade away, far from their reach.

It was a dumb decision she made. She tried to quickly take out her phone to call for help but one of the men grabbed it out of her hand and threw it straight to the ground, cracking the screen badly. Then to make sure it wasn't functional, he stomped on it multiple times.

Out of options, Pearl began to back up. Her vision was getting a little dizzy from the ink lose and her head felt like it was going to explode.

Before the men could do anything, a light turned on from the window above them and a voice called out, asking who was down there.

They quickly ran away from the scene as the window opened. An elder had peeked his head out and looked around the alley but couldn't see Pearl due to it being dark.

The rapper sighed in relief as she realized she was safe. For now at least.

Now that she was no longer being attacked, she can feel the huge amount of pain in her small body. She almost fell from the severe pain but managed to grip the wall.

Her vision got even more dizzy and she struggled to find balance.

She thought she was gonna die here, in the dark alley, by a bunch of men. The pain was so bad, she was about to give up.

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