Still up at this hour

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Chapter 46: Still up at this hour

Marina had just put her laptop back together. She had took it apart out of boredom.

Pearl slept peacefully in her room, down the hall.

Marina hops out of her chair and climbs in bed. She wasn't feeling tired so she logs onto curiouscat on her phone and starts answering some questions.

Anon: Please show us what your fursona looks like!

Marina silently giggled as she was typing away.

Marina~: Okay.. only because you guys are asking me so much! I'll put it up on Twitter.

Marina switches over to the app and post her fursona. She drew herself as a werewolf. It was hard to do so, since Marina could only figure out what they look like by what the humans wrote.

Not even 30 seconds later, she had gotten a comment on the post.

To her surprise, it was Pearl.


Marina blushed from embarrassement. She can't believe Pearl saw her post.

Marina~: >///< Thanks Pearlie... I'm embarrassed you saw it tho...


Marina~: Too late...

The Octoling then paused. She looks at the time and realizes it's 2:30 am and the inkling was awake.

She makes a separate post.

Marina~: Wait a second....

Marina~: Why are you still awake Pearl?

Pearl: I woke up, couldn't go back to sleep. Now I'm just hangin'.

Marina frowned.

Marina~: You should try to get back to sleep though!

Pearl: Look who's talkin'!

Marina smirked. So that's how it's gonna be huh.

Marina~: I didn't wake up and fail to fall sleep again soooo....


Marina~: No it's not. I've been busy~

Pearl: now ya can get busy sleeping

Marina~: Maybe. Or Maybe not.

Pearl: Marina...

Marina~: Pearl?

Pearl: We should probably talk about this somewhere private instead of tweeting at each other in different rooms.

The Octoling shook her head. She's having too much fun with this.

Marina~: But it's fun coming at you from the safety of my phone. ^_^

Pearl: AIGHT

Then there was no response after that. Marina began to question the silence. Maybe she quit and decided to go back to sleep?

No Pearl is too stubborn.

She froze as she began hearing soft footsteps down the hall. They got closer and closer to her door.

Marina~: Umm Why do I hear footsteps?

The door swings open, causing Marina shriek as she nearly falls out of the bed.

Pearl stood in the doorway, hands on her hips, glaring at her girlfriend. "Safety of your phone huh?"

Marina chuckled nervously as her hearts began to calm down a bit. "Uh hi Pearlie..."

Pearl walks over to Marina, who watched her girlfriend silently.

Pearl pulled the sheets back and guided her girlfriend's feet underneath it. She pulled them back up, covering Marina's body. She reached over and slipped off Marina's headphones and took her phone, plugging it up by her nightstand.

"Now I want ya to sleep. I ain't goin' anywhere until you do." Pearl grumbled, lying down next to the Octoling.

"But Pearlie-"

"No buts. Sleep Rina. It's almost 3 in the morning."

Marina stared at the inkling before sighing. "Fine...but you sleep with me."

"Bet." Pearl shrugged, getting underneath the covers as well.

Marina wrapped her arms around the inkling, snuggling her face into the crook of her neck.

"Cod clingy much?" Pearl chuckled.

"Well you came in my room and into my bed. You should of expected this." Marina replied.

Pearl kissed her girlfriend's head. "Yeah whatever. Now sleep beautiful."
Sorry this is updated super late. I got side tracked XD

If you guys don't know, there are Pearl and Marina Twitter accounts that are run by two people. They do in-character post and answer fan questions. It's always like youre really talking to Pearl and Marina.

That's where this chapter came from lol. I'm way too hype for E3 since Im still up at 3am, waiting for the 9am mark to hit :')

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