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You guys demanded for more of the requested chapter so here you go!

Chapter 54: Located

"You're looking for Marina?" Octavio asked, as he sat down at his desk. Pearl stood in front of him, tapping her foot.

"Uh duh. I just told you." Pearl grumbled, crossing her arms. "Do you know where she is?" She asked.

Do you know if she's alive... Pearl almost wanted to say.

Octavio just looked down at his papers in silent. Pearl raised an eyebrow at this and had a uneasy feeling in her stomach.

"She's gone."

"What?" Pearl asked.

"I said she's... gone." Octavio repeated, looking up at the small inkling. His voice seemed a bit strained, like something was holding him back.

Pearl stepped forward, placing her hands on the desk. "What do you mean, she's gone?"

"She...lost too much ink. We c-couldn't save her in time." Octavio briefly explained.

Pearl felt the world come crashing down on her.

Marina's...gone? I was too late...

Pearl was about to speak, but then freezes when she realizes something.

If Marina was...gone, why was Octavio acting so natural about it. And the tone of his voice was oddly familiar.

That's when she realizes something and she narrows her golden eyes at the Octarian king.

"Octavio cut the bullsquit and tell me where Marina is." Pearl demanded, slightly raising her voice.

"I-I just told you!" Octavio exclaimed. His stuttering confirmed everything Pearl has suspected. "She's-"

"Who am I?" Pearl cut him off.

"What? Why does that-"

"Who.Am.I?" She asked once again.

Octavio nervously sighed. "You are Pearl Hime Houzuki."

Pearl nodded. "Damn right I am. Now me being an Houzuki, I can smell Bullsquit from a mile away. I helped run a company for crying out loud." She said, glaring at the Octarian. He really thought he could do that. "Now I'm going to ask again. Where is Marina?"

Not wanting to piss off the inkling...like he's done many times, he sighs. "Okay okay. She's alive. But she doesn't want anyone coming for her."

Pearl felt the weight on her shoulders lift as she listens. Oh she couldn't wait to tell the others. But then she pauses. "Why doesn't she want anyone coming?"

"She said something about you wanting to break up Off The Hook" Octavio squinted at the inkling. If he was going to tell her where Marina was, then he needed to at least know what happened.

Pearl face palmed herself. "She misunderstood." She groaned. When Octavio gave her a confused look, she sighed. "Like a month ago, we had to announce the final Splatfest and I had some things that she misunderstood and took to heart."

"I had said that she had more than just Off The Hook. She might of thought I was thinking of breaking us up or something. When Chaos had won, she just ran off."

Octavio nodded as he listens. "I see... She's an engineer so she always thinks of the bad scenarios first."

"Yeah I know. A certain someone had to push her to becoming one."

"Look...I know what I did was bad but I had no choice." Octavio said, looking back down. "I didn't mean for it to be so hard for her."

Pearl sighed and went around the desk and place her hand on his shoulder. "I know dude... Im sorry for always sayin' stuff like that. Her being an engineer has saved the world so I should kinda thank you for that."

"No...I should thank you for helping her. I can see why Marina- nevermind." Octavio said smirking. Then his smirk dropped as he realizes he now has to tell the inkling where she was.

Pearl notices this and she frowns. "So uh where is she?"

"She...just left with a few Octolings to where the Salmonids are stationed."

Pearl's eyes widen. "That's in the lobby tower! That place is full of them. Why would she be there?!"

Octavio raised his eyebrows. "You know about the situation?"

Pearl nods. "Of course I do. The Squid sisters, the agents and I are working on stopping them. I'm usually in charge but I'm here right now so it's Marie. But that's not important. Why is Marina there?"

Pearl walked passed that place 8 times and not once as she spotted her Octoling friend.

"She's trying to restore balance. That's what she told me. She ran off because of what you said but when she heard about Inkopolis...falling apart, she went all over the place, planning and forming some sort of team to help stop those Salmonids." 

"And you LET her?!" Pearl exclaimed.

"I tried to stop her but she was so determined." Octavio said, sighing. "I should of tried harder."

"Marina is hard working Octo. She never stops until she accomplishes her goal." Pearl sighed. Then she turned around and headed for the door. "I'm going to go after her."


"Uh yeah."

Octavio frowned. "But that's too dangerous."

Pearl grinned. "Nothin' is too dangerous for this MC."

"I-Uh okay." Octavio sighed. "Pearl?"

Pearl turns towards the king in question. "Yeah?"

"Don't get splatted out there. Don't let Marina get splatted either." Octavio said.

Pearl chuckled and threw a thumbs up. "Like hell I'll let that happen. I've been searching for Marina since this all started. No way in hell am I gonna get splatted after all this."

Octavio chuckled as well. "Good. And one more thing. Stop by the infirmary and get those wounds dealt with."

"You got it!"

Im really enjoying this continuation of this request.

Don't forget to go to my request post and put down any request you want!

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