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Chapter 73

"Pearl, we are NOT having a mayo cake for the last time!"

Pearl pouted as her fiance glared at her. "Come on Reena! Mayo and cake are the two greatest things ever and having them combined would be a treat from the cods!"

Marina frowned in disgust as she listens to the Inkling's words. No way in hell was she going to have a mayonnaise flavored cake at their wedding.

"Why don't we just get an ice cream cake? Strawberry and mint flavor." Marina suggested.

Pearl rested her hand aganist her face as she thought about it. Ice cream cake was really good too. Maybe even better than mayo cake. "I guess we could get that. Ice cream cake is the bomb!"

Marina smiled and typed up the dessert that they chose. Pearl leaned over Marina's shoulder and looks at the screen. "Can we add just a little-"


"Come on Pearlie!" Marina begged. They were in Inkopolis finest luxury stores, looking for outfits. "Pleaseeee...."

Pearl grunted and crossed her arms. "Why do I gotta wear the dress? Why can't we both wear suits?"

"Cause you look so cute in dresses. I only seen you wear them twice. Your work outfit doesn't count. Please just at least try it!"

Marina pulled her famous puppy eyes that always gets Pearl to submit. Pearl pouts and tries to look away but the Octoling would enter her view again. "Reeenaaaaa!"


Pearl stomped her foot and snatched the dress out of Marina's hand and walked into the dressing room. Marina smiled widely as she finally got her to submit.

"Marina, you need to sleep. The wedding is no where near close so ya don't gotta splat yourself over this!" Pearl groaned as she watches her fiance type away.

"But I want everything to be perfect. I can't slack off on this Pearl."

"It's cold over here without you, babe. I want to marry my favorite person while she's well and alive and NOT killing herself over planning for our big day." Pearl said, hugging her Marina plushie. "This lil' Marina ain't gonna work this time. Not when my Marina is over there."

Marina flashed a smile at Pearl and closed her laptop. "Fine. You're right."

"Damn right I am! Get your cute ass over here!"

Marina blushed and made her way in bed. The moment she settled under the blankets, Pearl instantly wrapped her arms around her waist and rested her head on her chest.

"That's better. So warm." She grinned. Marina gave the inkling a quick peck on her forehead and pulled her closer, sighing as they shared their body heat. It got pretty cold at this time of the year, despite it being late January.

"Mrs Ida or Mrs Houzuki?" Marina suddenly asked. Pearl smiled. " We can go with both. Ida-Hoizuki or Houzuki Ida."

"Pearl Ida... Marina Houzuki.... They both sound so nice!" Marina giggled.

Pearl snuggled against Marina. "We'll figure it out tomorrow. For now, let's get some sleep."

Marina nodded and kissed Pearl, who gladly returned the kiss. They break apart moments later. "Goodnight Pearlie. I love you" The DJ said, closing her eyes with a smile.

"I love you too my sweet Octo. Goodnight."

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