Dont Take Drinks From Strangers!

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Chapter 35: Don't Take Drinks From Strangers!

The couple had just finished recording their new song and wanted to head out to celebrate their accomplishment.

"Let's go to Sean's Truck! I heard he added something spicy to his menu and I wanna try it out! Pearl suggested, quickly pulling the Octoling out the studio.

"Whoa slow down Pearl!" Marina giggled.

Moments later, They arrived at Sean's Truck. The Square wasn't too crowded to where they had to go incognito. Most inklings know that the idols want their personal space. However, there are some who don't respect that and would do ANYTHING to get the idols attention drawn to them.

The idols walked up to the truck and was immediately greeted by the owner.

"Yo Pearl, Marina! What can I get ya!?"

Pearl, who was barely able to see over the counter pointed at the new meal that was displayed. "We'll try your Spicy Calamari!"

"Alrighty, anything to drink?"

"A Dr.Inker and water please." Marina replied, fetching out 4 tickets.

"Hey Pearlie, you can go find us a spot , while I wait for our stuff."

Pearl nodded and walked away from the truck. She found a nice spot near the back of the truck, where not too many fans would come and bother them.

Checking Squitter, she sees comments about their new song, Into The Light. Both idols wrote this song to welcome all the Octolings that come from underground and to reveal their relationship to the square.

At first, Pearl was really nervous about publishing this song because she didn't think Inkopolis was into that kind of music. But she was proven wrong when all fans were either clapping, singing along, or even crying.

Hearing ruffles of bags, Pearl looks up to see Marina placing their lunch on the table. "Whoa that was quick."

"Well Sean already had a batch ready to go." Marina replied, separating their stuff. The DJ paused, realizing that she had forgot to get their drinks.

"Darn it. I forgot our drinks. I'll be back Pearlie." Marina began to turn around but an inkling wearing a tan coat with piercing grey eyes spoke up from behind them.

"I can get it for you ladies." He said with a suspicious smirk. Pearl frowned at the inkling, not liking the way he smiling.

"Uh nah its-"

"Really? Thank you so much!" Marina cut her off, giving the inkling a hug.

Pearl watched the dude walk away. "Eh Rina, I got a bad feelin' bout' that dude..."

Marina looked at the small idol before giggling and pressing a quick kiss on her cheek.

"I don't see anything wrong with the guy. You worry too much."

Pearl raised an eyebrow at the Octoling. "I worry too much? I'm not the one, who literally had a panic attack over their girlfriend, standing on a chair to get the cookie jar off the fridge."

"I can't help it! You could have fallen and broke your arm or worst!" (Let's pretend Inklings/Octolings have bones)

"Pearlie why would you make me eat this?!" Marina groaned as she desperately looked for the inkling that had went to go retrieve their drinks.

"That's what I'm asking myself...." Pearl replied. "Where is that squid anyway? Doesn't really take that long to get drinks does it?"

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