Kisses and Cuddles

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Chapter 16: Kisses & Cuddles

Pearl woke up, feeling very happy. Today was a rare day off that their manager had given them.

Pearl wanted to do nothing but cuddle against her sleeping girlfriend.

At the thought of that, she turns towards the other side of the bed to find an empty spot.

What the shell could she be doing at this hour? Pearl thought as she glances at the time, reading 8:45am.

Getting up, she stretches and walks out the bedroom, into the living room to find the DJ sitting on the couch with her laptop.

The Octoling didn't notice the rapper as she was too focused into whatever she was doing. This gave Pearl a idea and quietly walked behind her.

Latching her arms around the DJ's shoulder, she placed quick kisses onto her neck, which caused the Octoling to jump slightly.

"Ah Pearlie!" Marina exclaimed as she turned her head towards Pearl.

"Mornin' beautiful!" Pearl says a she walks over to sit next to the Octoling.

"Morning, sleep well?" She asked as she places her arm around Pearl's shoulders and placed a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Mhm. What cha' doing" Pearl questioned as she looks at Marina's laptop screen.

"Working on some beats for our next song" Marina answered.

Pearl began to pout slightly.

"But Rina! It's our day off!" Pearl complained as she softly closes Marina's laptop and places on the coffee table.

"Fine then Pearlie, What do you wanna do then?" Marina asked.

"Let's just cuddle and kiss all day!" Pearl says as she throws herself on Marina.

"Pearlie!" Marina exclaimed while blushing at the request.

Pearl was currently on top of Marina, with her face buried in Marina's neck as she kisses it.

Marina brought her arms around Pearl's waist and enjoys the presence of her girlfriend.

Then Pearl lifts her head up and embraces her lips with Marina's.

Marina returns the kiss, as she deepens it. Pearl places her arms around her neck as they allow their lips to dance with one another.

Soon they broke apart and just lied in each other's arms.

"You sure you wanna just lay here all day Pearlie?" Marina asked.

"Yep, Laying in your arms is far more better than doing anything else." Pearl said as she looks at Marina with rare soft and loving eyes.

"Aww Pearlie! You're so cute!" Marina exclaimed as she buries her face on her neck.

"Tsk, I'm not cute, You are!" Pearl said with fake annoyance.

"Whatever you say Princess"

"Princess huh? So what would happen if the princess got captured." Pearl asked jokly.

"Then a certain DJ would go off and rescue you and bring you back home like a knight shining in armor." Marina responded with a smile.

Pearl blushed and imagined Marina in shining armor, carrying her bridal style which caused her to chuckle.

"Hey Pearlie?"

"Yeah?" Pearl answered.

"Can you switch into your adorable Squid form for me? Marina pleaded with puppy eyes.

Pearl couldn't say no to that face. "Only if you switch to your Octopie form for me too."

"Ok!" Marina agrees as she switched to her form. Same with Pearl.

"Oh my cod, I will never get over how cute you are in this form!" She said.

"Haha well I think your form is cuter." Pearl said.

"Nope, yours is!" Marina replied.

Pearl yawned sleeply and cuddled more closer to the Octoling in her form.

"I love you Mar." Pearl says before falling asleep.

"I love you too princess" Marina says before shortly after, falling alseep as well, in their squid/Octopie form.

Hope you guys enjoyed this short one shot. I also want to say thank you for all the votes and views! We almost have 800 views so far!

Also I'll be leaving out of state in 3 days so I won't be on Splatoon 2 for a while. I just wanna give y'all a heads up ya know XD

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