I'd Be lost without you

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Chapter 3: I'd Be lost Without You

"Pearl! We are going on in 5 minutes!" Marina said outside the door.

"Ok, I'll be out in a sec!" Replied Pearl.

Pearl stares at herself through the mirror.

"Now why do I feel like something real bads gonna happen...." She thought

"Nah, I'm just being paranoid. welp better get out there" She thought, slightly shaking her head.


"Ya'll ready out there?!!" Pearl shouted to the crowd.

"It's Off The Hook coming at you live from the center of Inkopolis Square!"

"Before we get started, here are the current battle stages!"

As the stages were being shown, Pearl can't help but notice a few inklings in the far back with weapons.

"Eh probably just some Inklings coming out of a turf match"

"Until Next time, Don't Get Cooked Stay off The Hook!" They said as they did their pose before the music started up.


As Pearl was doing her rapping solo, Marina couldn't help but keep an eye on those Inklings in the very back.

She wasn't sure if Pearl noticed them or not but if she did, she probably just dismissed it as them coming out of a match.

When you are in the square, Weapons aren't to be out unless its during emergencies.

As she DJs, she glances up and sees one of the chargers held up and aimed towards Pearl.

The Rapper doesn't see this and countinues to rap and dance on stage.

She watches as he pulls the trigger and without thinking, hops over her DJ set and knocks Pearl to the ground, taking the shot herself.


Pearl has no idea what just happened.

First she was just having a great time, dancing and Rapping as Marina sang in the background.

Next thing ya know, She is knocked to the ground, followed with a sound of a charger being shot and a cry.

"A-Are you okay P-Pearl?"

Opening her eyes, she sees Marina sitting on the floor near her, clutching her arm.

"MARINA!" Pearl shouted as she rushed to her 'friend'.

Secruity came and went through the crowd to find who was responsible for this.


"Pearlie, I'm okay, It's nothing fatal." Marina tries to tell the small inkling as she sits on her bed.

"So what Marina, it's still an injury and it's all my fault..."

"What? Pearl No its-."

"Yes it is! I should have been more alert when I first spotted them! Pearl shouts.

"If only I had paid more attention & called out those guys, you wouldnt need to have those stupid bandage wraps on..." Pearl says, looking at the ground and letting her tears fall while gesturing to the white wraps that were on Marina's arm.


Marina's good arm stretches out and pulls the inkling closer to her. Then she places a kiss on her cheek.

Pearl, looking up as tears run down her face starts to blush.

Burying her face in Marina's shoulder, she says "I don't know what I'd really do if I lost you out there Mar..."

"Same here Pearlie... I'd be lost without you too..."

And That's all for this Chapter! I just want to say thank you for all the reads, votes and Comments so far and I will continue to post more about this adorable ship :D See Ya next time!

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