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Chapter 39: Freestyle

"Pearlie! Come see what I found!"

Pearl hops off of her beanbag in their bedroom and follows the voice of her girlfriend.

"What'cha find?" Pearl asked as she enters one of the storage rooms. Marina had a giant black guitar case in her arms. "Ay I haven't seen this thing in a long time."

"You never told me you played the guitar." Marina said, opening the case.

There was a pink acoustic guitar that was pretty dusty. Pearl took the guitar in her hands and blew off the dust, which resulted to her sneezing.

Marina giggled. "Bless you." She said, as she pulled out two stools, that was in the room.

Pearl threw the guitar strap over her head and sat on the stool. "Thanks. I had this guitar when I was around 17. I quit playing it, after creating that death metal band."

"Can you play something for me?" Marina asked.

"I could try. It's been years. First I gotta tune it." Pearl says, adjusting the knobs on the neck of the guitar as she plucks each note to find its pitch. "I think that'll do. I wasn't even good at this thing back then."

"That's okay Pearlie. I can teach you later if you want?" Marina said, smiling.

"Cool. I'd like that." Pearl said, strumming the C chord.

Soon Pearl got the feel of it and started using finger picking along with her strumming, creating a tropical like melody.

(The song up top is what Pearl is playing by the way.)

Marina smiled at the inkling as she tapped her foot to the song.

Soon Pearl stopped her playing at looked at the Octoling. "I'm really rusty at this." She says, scratching her cheek.

Marina shook her head. "Pearl, that was amazing! We should make a song using that exact instrumental."

Pearl blushed as she removed the guitar strap from around her. She places the pink guitar back in its case and picks it up. "Totally! I had fun playing this old thing."

Marina got up and gave the inkling a kiss on the cheek. "I want to see what else I can find in here. You got a lot of stuff in here."

"Good luck finding anything else. That's why I'm never in here." Pearl laughed.

If the video up top doesn't work, you can find the song on YouTube. It's called Peace and Love Pearlina.

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