I can't Get a Haircut!

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Chapter 21: I can't Get a Haircut!
(Slight Expansion Spoil)

The Idols were sitting at their usually spot, waving at fans as they past by.

Pearl rested her head on her hand and stared at her girlfriend, smiling lovingly.

The DJ noticed the stare right away and began to slightly blush.

"W-What? Is there something on my face?" She asked, touching her cheek.

"Nope, just admiring how beautiful you are!" She replied.

Marina hid her face in her hands and shook her head as she tried to hid her blush.


As Marina did this, her tentacles swayed fiercely. Pearl's attention was now drawn to her hair.

The rapper remembered the Octarian file that Cuttlefish had pulled up on the chat and noticed that Marina's hair used to be alot shorter than how it was now.

She looked to the side and noticed Sky  looking at them.

"Hey Mar look!" Pearl said.

"Oh it's Sky!" Marina said happily.

"Hey let's strike a cool pose or somethin'."

Pearl throws her hands up into a T-Shape like pose and smiles and Marina strikes a sassy like pose.

The two laugh and wave at Sky, who was trying not to laugh too hard

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The two laugh and wave at Sky, who was trying not to laugh too hard. After Sky walked off, Pearl was drawn back to Marina's hair.

Maybe I can convince her to get a haircut... She looked really cute with her hair short!

"Yo Rina, have you ever thought about cutting your hair short again?" Pearl asked.

"C-Cutting my hair.... N-No why?" Marina stuttered.

The inkling rose an eyebrow at the Octoling's sudden behavior. "Well I was thinkin' maybe We could go to a babershop and get it cut short again! From your Octarian file, you looked really cute back then!"

"Ahh, Nope!" Marina said, sweating nervously as she carcassed one of her tentacles.

Pearl leaned forward. "Aww but why not?!"

At this point Marina was sweating bullets. "B-Because I don't want to!"

Pearl stared at her for a second before smirking. "Ahh I get it...

Marina looked at Pearl with confusion. "Y-You do?"

"Of course yo! You're afraid of Babers!" She said laughing.

At this response, Marina let out a laugh, relieved that the rapper was dense about things like this.

"Yes Pearlie, I'm afraid of Babers..."

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