Lost Crown

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Chapter 57: Lost Crown

"Reena, Have you seen my crown?!" Marina heard Pearl call out from their bedroom. The pair were getting ready to head to the studio. Marina stood by the door, waiting in her small girlfriend.

"Which crown?" Marina replied, looking around her surrounding for any sort of crown.

"My usual one. Y'know the one I always wear to work." Marina could hear things being thrown to the ground and Pearl's grunts. The Octoling heads towards their bedroom.

She peeks out the doorway to find some clothes and other stuff on the floor. Their closet was wide open, so Marina walked in to find her girlfriend frantically looking through her crown set.

"Where did you last have it?" Marina asked. The inkling continued to rumble through the closet, not answering Marina's question.

Marina frowned and placed her hand on Pearl's shoulder. "Pearlie? What-"

"I gotta find it."

"But Pearlie we gotta be at the studio-"

"Go without me." Pearl continued to dig through the closet, brushing Marina's hand off.

The Octoling frowned and crossed her arms. " I can't go without you. The boss is going to be upset."

"I'll talk to him later. Just go or you'll be late." Pearl replied.

Marina looked at her girlfriend and sighed. "Okay... See you at the studio."

Pearl ended up not coming to work at all, which was odd. During break, Marina called her but she did not pick up. She was getting a bit worried.

The Octoling paced around the recording room as she texted Pearl once more.

Where are you?? You said you'd be here...

Pearl hasn't even read her messages. Maybe she lost her phone?

Nah Pearl isn't that forgetful with her stuff.

Marina looked around the room. They still had a lot of recording to do for their new song and they haven't even started.

Pencils, balled up paper and chairs were pushed everywhere. Pearl had came late at night by herself to start writing but from the looks of it, she must of given up.

Marina then frowns. "Could her crown be here...Is she still looking for it?"

Marina begins searches around the room. That crown was really special to Pearl. Her dad made her that crown when she was 15. She always wore it unless they were posing for certain Splatfest pictures. That's why she has so many.

Marina sighs with relief as she spots the crown in the corner on the table, with the balled up paper. So she was right.

She quickly grabs it and walks out the room.

As she walks back to the break room, she pulls out her phone, hoping to see a message from the rapper.


What is she doing? I hope she's okay...

The engineer then stops in her tracks. This crown is special to Pearl. She has never seen Pearl without the crown.

The way she was acting this morning...

Marina turns around and dashes out the door, holding the crown tightly in her hand.

How could I be so stupid to let her stay by herself?! She thought as she raced to her motorcycle.

She hops on, places the crown in her giant jacket and quickly pulls out the parking lot and takes off down the street at illegal speed. She didn't even think to put on her helmet. All she was thinking about was Pearl.

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