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Chapter 59: Reunited

As soon as Pearl was all bandaged up, she immediately went back to their little HQ and found the agents playing a game of Uno.

"I win!" Sky called out. Three and Four groaned while Marie rolled her eyes. Callie huffed and folded her arms.

"That's like the 5th time Sky! We can't let you win again!" Callie exclaimed.

Sky smiled before looking at the door to see Pearl standing there. "Short mom!"

Sky shot up and embraced the small inkling. Pearl hugged her adopted daughter back before walking over to the group.

"Damn what the hell happened to you?" Tera asked, looking at the bandages. "And how'd you patch yourself up?"

"Salmonids jumped me earlier. And I went to Octo Valley."

"Octo Valley? Why?" Marie said, raising her eyebrow. "Pearl if this is about Mar-"

"Listen. I spoke with Octavio and he said-"

"A bunch of crap." Marie cut her off. She still hated the Octo king for kidnapping her cousin. "All Octavio does is cause trouble."

" The Octavio you are talking about is in the past Marie. I get that he took Callie and all but that was like 2 years ago. Now all he's ever done was help. Now I went to him and he gave some deets on where Marina is."

Sky looked up at Pearl with wide eyes. "Really?! Mommy is alive?!"

Tera placed an hand on Eight's shoulder. "We don't know that for sure, Sky. Octavio could be lying."

Pearl slapped her forehead. "Oh my cod. Why would he lie about his own cod damn daughter? And even if he was, I would of figured that out."

"Octavio is Marina's dad?!" Rico shouted out.

"Wait seriously?" Callie and Marie both asked at the same time.

"You didn't tell us this Pearl." Tera said.

"Well yeah. He's Mar's dad." Pearl shrugged her shoulders. How did they not know this? "Y'all are slow. Anyway, she's-"

"But they look nothing alike! How is that possible?" Callie interrupted. Pearl felt her eyebrow twitch, as she feels herself becoming more irritated.

"I mean a child doesn't have to look exactly like both parents. Sometimes one child will have more looks of their mother, Cal. But still we don't know for sure-"

"Oh my cod! " Pearl exclaimed, slapping her forehead. "Y'all are serious right now? I've known Octavio for a while now and Marina even told me herself, shortly after she was revealed to be an Octoling, that Octavio was her dad."

"Now can you let me fucking say what I'm trying to say?" Pearl asked, glaring at all the agents, mostly at the Squid Sisters.

"Uh yeah, sorry..." Marie said, rubbing her neck.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Now... She's in the lobby, planning to attack the Salmonids with a few Octo troops. Apparently, she had planned this after hearing about us being attacked and stuff. Now she fully put her plan to action." Pearl said, crossing her arms.

The agents were quiet as they processed this new information.

I swear if  they think I'm lying, I'm so gonna-

"So she's been planning a whole siege for weeks, not giving any thought on telling her friends that she's been alive all this time..." Three grumbled.

"Uh I guess?" Pearl shrugged. "So I want to-"

"Go after her and help her fight those dudes off." Three cut her off. "We still don't know what Octavio said is true. I know the guy longer than you do, Pearl."

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