Cut an Urchin

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Chapter 43: Cut an Urchin

Pearl sat in the studio as she watches her friend walk into the lobby with that Vian guy.

When Marina had told her that she really liked Vian, Pearl felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. She liked her for the longest time and only hoped that the DJ felt the same way.

I guess that'll never happen... Pearl huffed. Apparently Vian liked Marina too.

Pearl decided to help Marina get closer to to Vian so she would be happy. And Marina's happiness meant everything to Pearl. Even if it hurt it to do so, as long as Marina is happy, she's happy.

Knock Knock

"Uh come in?"

The door opened revealing Sky, who seemed really upset and Captain Cuttlefish, who looked kinda angry.

"Ay Yo Cap, Sky! What's up?" Pearl asked. "Wait give me a sec. She pressed a button on the wall, dropping the curtains over the window.

"Nothing really. Agent 8 was just telling me about her day with Mr.Vian." Cuttlefish said.

"And how was that?" Pearl asked. Vian had picked her up the other day to go play some turf. She hadn't seen the small Octoling since then and it kinda worried her.

Sky came forward and wrapped her arms around Pearl. "I-It was so awful! He was so mean and scary!"

"We're talking about the same Vian from the Splatfest right?" Pearl asked.

Sky nodded. "Yes! He said I was just for views, whatever that means!"

Pearl frowned. "M-Maybe he was having a bad day. I'm sure he didn't mean any of that."

Sky sniffled. "Maybe..." Pearl patted her back gently.

"So uh Cap, come up with any fresh raps?"

Cuttlefish's face lit up. "Of course!"

Pearl grinned. "Well let me hear what you got!"

It's been about 20 minutes since Marina has been gone and the small agent and Cap had left about 5 minutes ago.

Pearl put the curtains back up, so she can keep an eye out for Marina and Vian.

Her mind was locked into what Sky had told her. Vian better watch who he's speaking to, even if his day was total shit. She doesn't play when it comes to her family and friends.

Speaking of family, Pearl should pay a visit to her parents. It's been a while since she had seen them. Marina has asked her numerous times if she can meet her mom and dad.

The door slammed open and a figure ran in and wrapped their arms around the sitting inkling.

Pearl yelps in surprise. She was about to push the person away and give them a piece of her mind but stops when she notices teal tentacles on their back.

Pearl slowly stands up, now holding the Octoling in her arms. "Marina? What's wrong?"

Pearl was well aware that Inkling's and Octolings were outside the window, looking at the two but right now Pearl didn't give a damn about it.

"It was horrible..." Marina said, sighing against the Inkling's shoulder causing Pearl to slightly shivered.

Pearl rubbed her back in circles. "What was? The date with Vian?" If Vian did anything to upset Marina, oh she was gonna cut an urchin today!

"It wasn't even a date. He was so... Repulsive. He would just insult me. He played rainmaker and just yelled at his team. I tried asking him what was up but he continued to just... Ugh!" Marina buried herself further into Pearl's shoulder.

When Pearl gave no response, Marina picked up her head. "Pearlie?"

Pearl was hot. Like mad hot. Her face turning red and Marina felt her small hands form into fist.

" he?!" Pearl exclaimed. Marina grabbed the Inkling's hands and held them. "It's fine Pearlie. I dont-"

"No Marina! I'm not gonna let some... some kid mess with my girl! First it was Sky, now it's you! He's crossed the line!"

My girl? Marina thought. Then she shook her head. "No Pearl, I don't want you confronting him. I just want to forget about this whole mess and move on!"

Pearl took in deep breaths, calming herself down before looking at Marina. "Fine... But if he messed with you or Sky again, I won't hesitate to cut a Urchin."

Pearl pulled the Octoling in her arms again. "I don't think you realize how important you are to me and seeing someone treat you like that, makes me so mad."

"Pearlie, you're the most important person in my life. I ensure you that I can take care of Vian myself." Marina said, hugging the inkling back.

"I know you can but I wanna protect you myself." Pearl said before cursing under her breath. "Listen I gotta tell ya something but not in front of... Them." Pearl said looking out the window.

The whole square was looking out the window, phones out and some were grinning.

"Oh uh sure!" Marina released the inkling and dragged her out of the studio. She brought them to a vacant recording room.

"Okay, what is it that you want to tell me?" Marina asked.

Pearl took a deep breath and held her crown in her hands, not meeting eye contact with her partner. " about you. Like a whole lot."

"I care about you too? Pearlie, I just told you, you're the most important person in my life." Marina said, raising an eyebrow.

"No I mean-" Pearl sighed. "You're my everything Marina. You make me smile and laugh everyday and I don't have to hide anything from you. You comfort me when I'm sad. You always know what to say to make me feel better. You didn't friend me because of how rich I am but because of who I am."

"I want to be able to hold you while you sleep. I want to show you that I'll always be here for you." Pearl finished. She refused to look up at her friend. "I 'care' about you a lot."

Marina processed her friend's words and realized what she meant by 'care'.  She softly smiled and took a step forward.

"Listen, I get that you don't care for me like I care for you. I mean, you do or did like Vian for a long time and all. I just hope this doesn't affect our friendship or Off The Hook. Ugh just forget-"

Marina kissed the rambling inkling, who squeaked with surprise. She pulled back shortly after. "You really need to let someone speak before you panic Pearlie."

Pearl opened and closed her mouth, trying to speak but couldn't. Marina laughed. "Listen, I never liked Vian. I liked you for the longest time. I just did that because I thought you wouldn't feel the same way. Yes his words still hurt me, but not in the way you thought they did." Marina explained.

"Wha- I-" Pearl paused before taking a deep breath. She looked into Marina's silver-pink eyes and smiled. "Cod, you don't know how happy I am right now."

Marina held the inkling tightly. "No but what I do know is that I love you and only you."

Pearl turned pink as she buried herself further into Marina. Marina heard her mumble something but didn't catch what she said. "What was that?"

"I said I love you too." Pearl said a bit louder.

Marina smiled and kissed her forehead.


I had to make a chapter about the aftermath of Marina and Vian's "date" :D

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