Random Fluff

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Chapter 37: Random Fluff

"Yo Reena!" Pearl calls out, pouncing on the Octoling, who was seated on the couch on her phone, scrolling through social media. The engineer yelps in surprise as the small inkling was thrown into her lap.

"Yes Pearlie? What's got you all excited?" Marina giggles as she places her phone down to hug the small inkling.

Pearl grins at the Octoling. "Nothin' really. I just remembered something." She replies, leaning more into the Octoling as she rest her head in the crook of Marina's neck.

"What is it, my sweet little munchkin?" Marina asked, placing a kiss on the Inkling's forehead.

Pearl blushed at the nickname. "Y-You haven't called me that in a long time."

"Well I guess I have to do so more often now~" Marina said, placing more kisses all over Pearl's face, which makes the inkling giggle.

"O-Okay Okay! Let me tell you what I remembered!" Pearl laughs at the tall idol.

Marina stops her attacks and smiles at the rapper. "Fine. But just know I'll continue afterwards."

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, remember that time, when Sky had set off all your bombs early and we had that little chat before 3 minutes were up?"Pearl recalled.

"Yeah. You asked why I didn't name my bombs princessbombs." Marina replied.

"Yup and you said because you invented them. Now do you know what you did next?" Pearl asked.

Marina laughed. "No I don't remember but why are you asking?"

Pearl sat up and grinned. "Reena, You spat out bars! Do you have some secret rapping career you aren't telling me about?"

"What? I don't recall doing so. Besides I don't rap..."  Marina said.

Pearl pouted. "Oh yeah?" Pearl said, raising an eyebrow. She cleared her throat. "DJ_Hyperfresh spinning beats like ZOOM. See my hyperbombs blowing up like BOOM"

"T-That sounds like something you came up with!" Marina exclaimed.

"Nope! That was all you! Looks like I have passed down some of my hot bars to you." Pearl grinned.

Marina slightly blushed when she realizes she had said those exact on that day. "That was an one time thing."

Pearl laughed. "Nope. With me around, there's gonna be more from where that came from."

Marina smirked. "Oh that reminds me..." She tightens her hold on the inkling and attacks her with kisses, like she had done not too long ago.

"M-Marina! Okay Okay!"
Short but fluff :)

If you didn't know, If you manage to ink all of Marina's bombs in OE with +27 seconds remaining, you get some extra dialogue.

Pearl: Your hyperbombs are cool Marina, but... why didn't you name them princessbombs?

Marina: Um.... because I invented them?

Marina: DJ_Hyperfresh spinning beats like ZOOM! See my hyperbombs blowing up like BOOM!

It's really cool how they added that. And just know, it took me ages to ink the statue with +27 seconds left

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