Where is Pearlie?!

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:Where is Pearlie?!

"Pearl I'm home!" Marina called out, holding a small bag.

No response.

"Pearlie?!" Marina called out again, setting the bag on the table. She looks by the door, spotting the Inkling's boots. "I know you're here. I brought that smoothie you wanted."

Still no response.

Oh yeah I forgot she won't be able to speak for a while.

Pearl had overused her voice in that battle against Tartar.

Marina sighed and began searching for her girlfriend.

Marina searched the living room, kitchen, bedroom, the studio, bathroom, and the garage. No sight of her Pearlie anywhere.

She tried calling her but she found Pearl's phone on the dresser, at 0%.

The Octoling was on the verge of tears as she slides down to the floor of the kitchen. "Oh cod, Where are you Pearlie... What if she went out and got hurt?!" Marina began panicking over the little possibilities.

"What if she left me... Maybe she doesn't love me anymore. Maybe-" Marina stopped her mumbling as she hears something coming from the cabinet.

The DJ crawls over and places her ear to the cabinet. She can hear small shuffling from inside!

Just to be safe, Marina grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be her book and prepared herself to whack whatever was in there.

Slowly opening the cabinet, Marina spotted yellow and pink.

She drops the book and fully opens the cabinet. "Pearlie?!"

There sat Pearl, who seemed to be sleeping in fetal position, head resting on her forearms.

Marina shook the inkling, which caused the rapper to slightly grumble as she opens her golden eyes.

Pearl's eyes widen at the sight of her girlfriend but then smiles sheepishly.

Marina pulled Pearl out the cabinet and holds her in her lap. "What were you doing in there sleeping?! I've been looking for you!"

Pearl points at her throat, reminding Marina that she couldn't speak yet. The DJ hands Pearl her teal phone.

The rapper types something in the screen before showing the Octoling.

"don't laugh but i got bored so i tried to find something to do. i went up to the cabinet and i wanted to see if i can fit in it. i ended up closing the door by accident and it wouldn't open. left my phone on the dresser which was probably dead. i guess i fell asleep waiting to be rescued..." Pearl had typed.

Marina laughed, as she squeezed her girlfriend tightly which caused the inkling to pout. "Only you would do such a thing." She replied.

Pearl continued to pout but frowns when she notices the dry tear stains on Marina's face. She gently brushes her thumb along the stains, eyebrow raised in question.

Marina catches on quickly and smiles. "I thought something happened to you so I had a slight panic attack. I thought you were squidnapped or you left me..."

Pearl gives Marina a look and begins to type once more. "And only a sap like you would think that. No squid would dare to mess with this MC. And not in a million years would I ever leave you Marina. I'm yours forever babyyyy!"

"Look who's talking, Sap Princess." Marina giggles. She leans down and softly kisses the inkling.

Hope you enjoyed this small one-shot! I needed something to keep this alive while I write both L&R and That AU story.

Stay tuned!

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