Two Surprises in One Day

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Chapter 38: Two Surprises in One Day

It's been a little over 3 weeks since Marina had left to Calamari Country and Pearl was dying to touch her beloved.

And it seems the Octoling only gets busier by the minute because the amount of time they get to video chat gets shorter and shorter. It gets to the point where they can only text each other.

Vic and Nathan had settled down happily in their new home on the surface. Nathan already has made friends with the Inklings and Octolings and he was climbing up the ranks pretty quickly.

Vic had decided to help Sheldon with his weapons since she was once an engineer but not for the Octarian army. She developed that skill on her own and used it when she needed to.

Today, Pearl had to do the news alone because the Squid Sisters were busy with other stuff at the moment. She sits in her chair as she looks at the spot where her girlfriend would normally be placed.

She groans and places her head on the table. Fans came over to the window to see what was up. Pearl lifted her hand and threw a peace sign. They shrugged their shoulders and walk away.

The rapper pulls out her phone and goes to her messages. She hasn't gotten a text from Marina all day and she was starting to get worried.

Sooner or later, Pearl is going to go hijacked her dad's helicopter and fly over to Calamari County to find her girlfriend.

"Houzuki." She turns around to see their manager. "Uh yeah?"

"I need you to do something." He says, sitting in front of the inkling, ignoring the scowl on her face.

"What do you want?" She asked, impatiently.

"Grizzco found a new area during on of his runs. And He wants you to check it out."

Pearl raised her eyebrows. "Why me?"

"He never said. I'll have one of the crewmembers take care of the rest of the news while you're gone."

The inkling sighed. "Whatever. I'm on my way " She stands up and walks towards the exit. Before she fully left, she stops and looks at the manager. "Hey uh, any word from Mar?"

The manger shook his head. "Nope."

She sighs once more. "Alright."

Everything was going smooth as she and 3 other squids explored the new map as they collected golden eggs.

The map was pretty cool. The inkrails made the whole thing really easy.

Pearl inked the area as they were on their 3rd round with a little over 50 seconds left. They still haven't reached their minimum amount of eggs yet.

She hears the cog horn go off and looks around her surroundings, getting ready to ink whatever boss comes at her, holding her dualies nice and firm.

There was no sign of any boss. Her 3 teammates were fighting off a couple of normal Salmonid. They seem to not have heard the cog horn go off.

She froze as she hears something swimming from behind her. It was moving very fast. Pearl groaned as she realizes it was her least favorite boss, Maws.

This boss always catches Pearl when she least expects it.

"Ya ain't gonna get me this time." She grumbled as she waits for it to come closer.

When it got close enough, Pearl pressed a button on her tank to use a splat bomb.

All she hears is a click. She presses it again. No bomb appears.

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