Random Fluff

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Chapter 30: Random Fluff

"Marinaaaa....." Pearl called out.

No response.


"... I know you hear me." Pearl states, walking up to the Octoling, who is reading some book.

Marina still didn't respond as she was so deep into her little book fantasy.

The rapper slightly pouted before coming up with an idea. She rushed to one of her storage rooms and went through a small box. In the box were pairs of fake eyes (Those weird eyes, where you can stick them into Any surface)


She grabs two of them and rushes back to her girlfriend. The rapper shuffles behind Marina and sticks the pair of eyes on the back of her tentacle.

"There we go!" Pearl exclaimed. Marina looked over her shoulder, wondering what her tiny girlfriend was up to. Pearl just sat, innocently smiling at the Octoling.

The DJ shrugged and went back to her book. Now having the fake eyes in her direction again, Pearl began to do what she does best.

"Yoo uh Rena,can I tell ya a secret?" Pearl asked the tentacle.

"Sure Pearlie, what is it?" Pearl replied, doing her best Marina impression.

The ex-solider holds in her laughter as she listens to her ridiculous girlfriend.

"I love this amazing, sexy DJ named Marina Ida so much, that I don't know what I'd do without her!"

Marina closed her book and got up to scoop the rapper in a giant hug. "Aww Pearlie, can I tell you a secret?"

"S-Sure." Said a flustered Pearl.

"There's this inkling named Pearl Houzuki, that I love so much. I'd do anything just to have her in my arms!" Marina said, giving the rapper a kiss on the forehead.

"T-that's not how it was suppose to work Mar!" Pearl stuttered out, turning red. "I'm suppose to make you  turn all teal and stuff!"

Marina laughed as she sat back down on the couch and placed the inkling in  her lap. "Well you just gotta try harder, Princess!"

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