No Training Wheels

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Chapter 27: No Training Wheels

"Pearl, are you sure, you don't want me to come with you?" Marina asked,  as the rapper began to drag her bike outside.

Pearl gave her girlfriend a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine! If anything happens, I'll give ya a call."

"Ok... But remember, stay away from hills!" Marina reminded, recalling the last time Pearl went out on her own.

Last time, She came back home full of bruises and cuts and took Marina an hour to get her parched up. The inkling hated the Hydrogen Perioxde and would always try to squirm away.

"Ya Ya I know, gotcha!" Pearl said,  walking over to the Octoling.

She gave the DJ a kiss and began making her way out. "I won't be out for too long. I love ya, dork!"

Marina laughed at the nickname. "Love you too princess!"

The inkling made her way to an open area where there weren't many people around.

She had done this loads of times now so this time she's bound to get it right.

Ok just like Mar showed me...

She hopped onto the bike and began to slowly pedal herself.

Ok now I just gotta balance right....

She did so and found herself riding a bike without training wheels!

"Shell yeah!" She shouted out.

That shout got the attention of the other inklings/Octolings.When they saw that it was the rapper, they began to chase after her, wanting a an autograph.

Of course, Pearl was completely oblivious to this and continued to ride slowly. It was only until she heard a shout from behind, she began to panic.

"Oh my Cod, it's Pearl! Can I have your crown!?"

"Oh Squit..." Pearl muttered. She began to slightly speed up but she felt the bike tip slightly to the side,  towards a hill.

The inklings/Octolings took a notice in this and tried to help but Pearl was going too fast for them to catch up.

"Miss Pearl! Turn your bike to the left!  They shouted but the rapper was too busy, trying to stop herself to listen.

Soon the bike just falls over and Pearl goes rolling down the hill.... Again!

Fortunately, Pearl didn't hit any rough surface. But unfortunately, at the end of hill was a rose bush and she rolled right into it. 

The fans rushed over and helped the injured inkling out the bush. Pearl was covered in many cuts. Some were bleeding, running down her arms and face.

"Ouch, Ouch! That fucking hurts!" Pearl said.

"I bet. You want one of us to go get Marina?" One of the fans said.

"Yeah..." Pearl said.



Pearl sighed and just looked around the area. Her golden eyes landed on a familiar looking Octoling and Inkling.

"Yo Sky! Agen-Tera!" She called out. The two looked at Pearl and rushed over.

"Short mom! What happened?!" Sky said, helping her up to her feet.

The inklings/Octolings looked at the 3 with shocked and jealous. Shocked, because Sky just called Pearl her mom and jealous because they are friends with the idol.

Tera looked at the mess. A bike laying sideways, not too far from where they were, Pearl's crown laying up the hill and Pearl covered in cuts.

"Uh shouldn't Marina be here when you go out, riding a bike?" Tera chuckled.

Pearl glares at the agent. "Well I thought I should try on my own! It worked though... Kinda."

Sky sighed at her mom's Carelessness. "Let's just get you to tall mom." She then turned towards the audience that was still formed behind them. "Uh We gotta take care of her injuries so no autographs or anything. Sorry!"

The fans nodded and walked away.

As soon as they left both Agents carried Pearl back home.

"You know mommy is gonna freak when she sees you right?" Sky reminded.

"Yep" Pearl said,  groaning slightly.

The 3 arrived at the house. Sky let go of her mom to knock on the door.

Moments later, the door opens, revealing the DJ.

"Hey Sky! How's it- Pearlie!" Marina shouted, rushing over to the inkling.

Marina lifted the rapper in bridal style and quickly made her way inside. The two agents followed shortly.

The engineer placed her down on the couch and made her way to the bathroom to get the first aid kit, muttering, "be right back."

Pearl groaned loudly, which caught the attention of the Agents.

"What's wrong mom?" Sky asked.

"Nothin'... Just lost my crown." Pearl sighed.

"Oh we have it right here! Tera found it shortly before we made our way here." Sky held up the crown.

Pearl sighed in relief. "Thanks B!"

"No problem!"

Marina walked back into the room, holding the first aid kit. She pulled a chair to the couch and sat down.

"Mar, can you not use the burning stuff?" Pearl pleaded, as she watched her girlfriend pull out the Perioxde.

"I have to Pearlie. Otherwise, you might get some sort of infection." Marina said, dipping a cotton ball into the bottle.

Marina examined the cuts and realized she had some rose thrones sticking out of her arms.

"Uh What exactly happened?" The DJ asked,  placing down the cotton to pull out the thrones.

"Fans chased after me while riding and I lost balance. Rolled down the hill and- Ouch! it happened to be a rose bush at the bottom." Pearl explained, wincing at the slight pinch of each throne being pulled out.

Marina sighed as she pulled out another one. "You know after this, I'm never ever letting you go out by yourself when riding a bike right?"

"Yeah Yeah I know. I kinda prefer it that way ya know. I get lonely riding out there alone." Pearl said, smirking.

That smirk only lasted for a few moments as she felt a stinging pain on her arm which made her jump back.

"Come on Pearl, the quicker we do this, the quicker you can do what you want."

"But I don't like that stu-Owww! Marina!"

The DJ laughed as the inkling glared at her. "You're suppose to be the 'tough' squid here!"

"Shut up.. I hate you." Pearl muttered.

"Love you too Pearlie."

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