Dance with Me

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Chapter 13: Dance with Me

Pearl and Marina had just walked off the stage of Nico Nico Choukaigi with the Squid Sisters, leaving the humans cheering loudly.

" That was awesome!" Pearl shouted as she threw her hands in the air.

Marina giggled at her girlfriend's behavior.

"That new song of yours. Nasty Majestic was it? Was Fresh! Callie said.

"Thank you! it wouldn't be as fresh without Pearl's sick dance moves. Pearlie, I had no idea you can dance like that!" Marina exclamied.

"Well the song was just so upbeat ya know!" Pearl responded.

"Well Callie and I gotta head back, so catch ya later." Marie said as she dragged Callie with her.

The duo waved at the two and set their way back home.

It was still pretty early, so they sat on the couch and did their own thing. Pearl was playing a game on her SquidDS while Marina pulled out her laptop and started working on some beats.

Pearl bored and started to check Squidstagram and was looking at weird videos. She came across this one video where two squid were slow dancing. This gave her an idea.

Marina had been the one to teach Pearl most of the upbeat dance moves that she does on stage and she wanted to return that favor.

Getting up, she stands in front of the DJ and grabs her laptop, and pulls her up to her feet which confused the DJ.

"What is it Pearlie?" Marina had questioned.

"Nothin' I just want to return a favor in teaching me the upbeat moves by teaching you a nice and slow dance that my parents had taught me ya know." Pearl says with a small blush.

Marina giggles. "Ok Pearlie! Show me how it's done!"

"Aight just follow my lead." Pearl says.

Pearl walks over to her phone and plays Fresh Start by the Squid Sisters, since the song was nice and less upbeat. She then grabs Marina's hands and places them on her shoulders. Then she places her own hands on her waist.

With this position, they were brought closer to one another which caused the DJ to blush bright teal.

"Ok follow my steps. Move your right foot this way, then your left foot way...." Pearl is explaining.

Marina sorta got the hang of it but she kept stepping on the Inkling's feet.

"I'm sorry Pearlie!" She would apologize each time she does.

"It's okay Mar" she would replie.

Soob she was no longer stepping on her feet and was doing it on her own, without the guidance of Pearl.

"Yo, You got the hang of it pretty quickly!" Pearl said with a grin as she let go of the Octoling.

Marina smiled and pulled the Inkling back to her.

This action caused the Inkling to blush hard. Marina brought her lips upon the Inklings.

Pearl puts her hands around her neck as she deepens the kiss. Marina places her hands around her waist in return.

After a minute passed, the two needed air and  had to break apart.

They were both blushing really hard at what they had just did.

"Hehe well that was amazing" Pearl says, only to make the taller one blush even more.

Couple days later

The two had just came back from a date. Marina wore a nice teal and black dress and Pearl wore a pink dress.

They were both ready to head to bed but then the DJ had a idea.

Quickly, she put on a soft song and dragged the Inkling to her feet, which confused her.

The rapper began to realize what she was doing and placed her hands on her waist just as the DJ placed her hands on her shoulders.

They began to dance to the nice slow song. Both of them stared into one another eyes with love and care.

The song was coming to an end and when it did, they both lean towards one another and kiss passionately.

Breaking apart, Marina said, "Pearlie I love you so much!"

" I love you too Rina!" She replied softly with a rare loving smile.

And that's all for this chapter. Sorry it took long for me to write another chapter. This was another headcanon on how Pearl taught Marina how to dance in a high society. Hope you enjoyed this and see ya next time.

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