New Style

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Requested by hellisasafespace

Marina held her hand up to her chest as she nervously walks down the street. All the Inklings and Octolings were staring at her.


Marina forces a smile and looks down at the child that held her other hand. "Not mommy. Just Marina." She said walking a little faster.

Pearl was out doing some stuff with her dad, which left Marina by herself for a while. The Octoling remembered Pearl wanting her to cut her hair, like it was when they first met and Marina decided to give it a try.

The problem was that she had forgotten Octoling's reproduce by cutting their tentacles.  All female Octoling's have one tentacle that reproduces a new Octoling.

So now she has a little version of herself with her, who thinks she's her mom.

She came from my hair... So that would actually make me her mom anyway.

Marina groaned. More and more Inklings and Octolings were starting to look. Little Marina kept tugging her hand, trying to get her attention.

Marina bite her cheek from yelling in frustration and picked up the little one and ran away.

"Okay... I'm Marina. You're Rina." Marina said as they sat on the couch. "Not mommy."

"But you're my mommy!" The little one exclaimed, sitting in Marina's lap.

"I... Yes I am but people don't know that." Marina tried explaining but it was no use.

The front door opened, revealing the tired rapper. "Yo Rina.."

"Hey Pea-"

"You know my name?! Mommy she knows my name!" Rina exclaimed, pointing at the inkling.

Pearl blinks at the two before looking at Rina. Then she looked back at Marina. Then back down at Rina. And Marina....Rina....Marina...Rina-

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Pearl shouted, pointing at the two. All tiredness leaves the inkling as she looks at the two Octolings.

Marina stood up, with the smaller version of herself in her arms. "Pearlie! Before you-

"There's two of you guys! How-"

"Pearl!" Marina shouted, cutting her off. "Listen for just a second."
"So, you cut your hair and it produced an Octoling..." Pearl held the little Marina, who giggled.

"Yes. Remember that conversation we had a while back? When you tried to get me a hair cut?"

Pearl nods. "Yeah I remember now! So this is Rina?"

Rina smiles. "Yes I'm Rina!"

Pearl grins and hugs the little Octoling. "Sup! I'm Pearl!"

Then Pearl puts the Octoling down and looks at her girlfriend, with a smile."You look beautiful. Actually stunning. No breathtaking!"

Marina giggled and hugged the Inkling. "It feels weird having short tentacles now. I wonder how long it'll take for them to grow back."

"Probably another 2 years like before." Pearl buried her face into Marina's shoulder. Then she felt small arms wrap around her legs. Looking back, she sees little Rina behind her.


Pearl picks up the small child and includes her in the embrace as well.

"Big hugs!" Pearl chuckles. Marina smiles at the two.
This is only related to the haircut chapter I did a while back :P

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