Dear Senpai

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Chapter 53: Dear Senpai

Marina held a pink, decorated envelope in her hand, as she looks down at her sleeping friend with a soft smile. On her back was a small duffle bag.

She gently brushes her thumb against Pearl's cheek, as the inkling slept. "I'll be back soon..." She softly said, not to wake the inkling.

She placed the letter on top of Pearl's phone and walks out the room.

Pearl rubbed her eyes as she exits the bathroom. She woke up pretty early today, for some reason. She usually wakes up around 10 or 11 in the morning on a non work day.

It's quiet...Maybe Marina is still sleeping.

Pearl walks back to her room to grab her phone. When she does, she notices a pink envelope with her name on it. It was in Marina's handwriting.

Pearl sits down on her bed, with the envelope in her hand, staring at it. She was about to go ask Marina about the envelope but she didn't want to wake her up.

Tearing open the envelope, there was a nice written letter.

Hey Pearlie! By the time, you read this I'll be gone. There's some...stuff I need to take care of underground. Congrats on winning the fest by the way! I'm a little...scared on what you're going to do but I'm sure it'll bring good to Inkopolis. I don't know when I'll be back. A few days...weeks... 

Pearl shot up with the letter in her hand and sprinted to Marina's room. "Marina!" She called out as she bust through the door. The room was empty and several stuff was missing.

The rapper searches the kitchen, living room, bathroom, garage and everywhere else but no sign of her partner.
Pearl made her way back to Marina's room and sat on her bed, looking at the paper once more.

Anyway I just want you to know... thank you for everything! From giving me a chance, back on Nantai to now. If we hadn't met on that very day... I can't imagine what would of happened to me. Maybe a random inkling would of splatted me on the spot because I'm an Octoling.

I...get this weird feeling whenever I'm around you. I don't think it's bad but then again I don't know. I've never felt like this before.

When you smile at me, my face gets really hot, as if I'm in the hot sun. When you touch me, I get this warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest and my hearts start beating fast. Almost everything you do, drives me crazy.

I've been searching for an answer for almost a year now. I was going to ask you but something held me back from doing so.

Is this...Is this love Pearl? The same love you told me about a little over 2 years ago? Is that what I'm feeling?
...Whatever it is, I don't want it to go away.

I gotta get going. Stay off the hook, Pearl.

~Marina Ida

Pearl couldn't believe it. Marina's gone? And she has feelings for her??

Pearl ran to her room and quickly placed the letter on the dresser. She threw on her shoes and ran out the door.
"Yo have you guys seen Marina?!" Pearl busted into the studio. All the men looked at her in Surprise.

Their manager came up to her. "Pearl what are you-"

"HAVE YOU SEEN MARINA?!" She repeated, louder.

The manager shot back, sweating nervously. "N-No. She hasn't came by today."

Pearl cursed under her breath before walking out the studio. She walks up to Sean, who was setting up his truck for the day. "Yo Sean, have you seen Marina anywhere?"

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