Humans Meet Cephalods

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Chapter 32 (?): Humans Meet Cephalopods (Wattpad glitched out for me so there's a blank chapter lol)

"Yo Mar, I found this really ancient thing outside of Inkopolis!" Pearl exclaimed, busting through the door.

Marina smiled and patted the small idol's head. "Hello to you too! How ancient are we talking? Tartar ancient or normal ancient?"

"This thing looks far more ancient than what Tartar had. It was all old and rusty, surrounded by bunches of rocks and junk. We should tots check it out!" Pearl said, pulling the Octoling out the door.

"Wait! What if it's dangerous?"

"Then we'll bring our equipment with us." Pearl simply said.

"Okay... Then what about Sky? She might get worried about us disappearing..."

Pearl pulled out her phone and pulled up her messages with sky.

Pearl 2: 45pm

Yo Rina and I are gonna check out this cool thing so we might not be home until later tonight or so. You can go spend the night at 3's if ya want, so your not alone. (Insert peace sign)

Sky 2: 47pm

Ok! Have fun!

"Well, I guess I have no choice but to go then. Just let me grab my gear."

"So why exactly were you outside of Inkopolis?" Marina asked as they rode their way out of the city.

"Uh.. b-because I like to explore!" Pearl said nervously. The truth is she is planning something very very special for the Octoling.

"Hmm... Ok." The Octoling replied, totally not believing the rapper.

After a few moments of silence, Pearl spots out their objective. "There it is!"

Marina hit the brakes and they slowly came to a stop in front of a abandoned building.

"Uh Pearlie, you sure this is it?" Marina asked as they hop off of Marina's bike.

"Positive! Come on! I wanna see what's here!" Pearl dragged the nervous DJ into the building.

The inside was really dead. Not a living squid or octo in sight. It wasn't too big but wasn't too small.

In the center of the room was a large machine that had small buttons attached to it.

Pearl got curious and walked over to press the BiG ReD BuTtOn, but her tall girlfriend stopped her.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

"Uh trying to turn this joint on?"

Marina shook her head. "You don't just press buttons Pearl... What if that button sets off some sort of explosive?"

"Mar... This thing looks like it's been here for years!"

"I know it's just- never mind, let me take a look at this first." Marina walks inside the machine to look it over.

Pearl waited, impatiently as the Octoling did so.

Ugh waiting here is so boring.... I wanna press the button...

Pearl couldn't take it anymore and not so sneakily, moved to press the button.

"Pearl don't you-" She was cut off by the sound of the machine humming to life.

Suddenly, the doors close Marina in as the machine continues to rumble.

"P-Pearlie?!" Marina panicked as she was closed in.

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