See You Soon!

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Chapter 33: See You Soon!

"Hey ladies, the boss wants to speak with you for a second!" Said one of the crewmen.

"Aight,thanks for letting us know!"

On their way to the boss's office Marina couldn't help but grow more nervous. Getting called up to the boss usually meant something bad.

Did we forget something? Were we being too slow on producing songs?

"Chill out Rina! I know what you're thinking." Marina looks at the inkling, who was smirking. "He probably wants us to do some special song. Ya know, with Squidmas around the corner and all."

"Probably..." Marina replies, still nervous.

Pearl looks around to see if anyone was around before stopping to swiftly grab onto the DJ's collar and brings her down to plant a kiss on her lips.

Marina, who was dazed by the sudden kiss, looks at the inkling with a surprised, yet loving look. "N-Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?"

"I haven't kiss you since this morning. And also to calm those nerves of yours."

"You want her to WHAT!?" Pearl shouted, standing out of her seat.

"Please Pearl..." Marina said, trying to calm the inkling down.

"I can understand you're furious about this but it's better this way. This trip is quite expensive and if we were to send both of you, not only would it affect the news as we can't find any temporary replacements but, the money that is being invested into this trip could possible put us in bankrupt." The boss explained.

"Then why not let me pay for our tickets?!"

"Again, we won't be able to find temporary replacements Ms.Houzuki...."

The rapper was about to let out another outburst but Marina spoke first. "Alright, I'll do it sir."

"Wha-Marina but-"

"It'll be okay Pearlie. I'm sure the trip won't be that long..." Marina reassured the inkling with a smile.

"About the trip....Your flight is scheduled 5 days from now. You will be gone 3-6 weeks in Calamari County. Here's your ticket and everything." The boss hands out her ticket.


"Ok! Well, we best be on our way now! Bye!" Marina swiftly grabs the ticket and drags the raging inkling out the office.

"Don't go." Pearl said as they entered their home.

"I have to Pearlie. The boss bought the tickets and everything already. I can't let that go to waste."

"Still, I don't want you to go...."

"Don't worry, I'll back in your arms in no time! Marina scoops the rapper in her arms.

"I guess you're right...but if I end up waiting months, I'm booking a flight and will hunt you down." Pearl returns the affection, wrapping her arms around her neck tightly.

"Haha ok, sounds good to me!" Marina replied.

Once Marina placed the inkling on her feet, Pearl dragged the engineer to the couch.

"Well since you're leaving in 5 days, I want to spend every second of those days with you!" Pearl said, as they sat on the couch, cuddling one another.

"So what about, when I want to take a shower within these 5 days?" Marina asked, poking the inkling's cheek.

"Then I'll just have to take one with you!" Pearl replied, smirking mischievously.

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