Feet Mayhem

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No one:

Absolutely no one:

Splatoon Community: Running around the square with no shoes or socks on, like crazy lunatics.

Love you guys, but y'all gonna step on Legos and it isn't gonna be pretty.
Chapter 41: Feet Mayhem

"Pearl why are half of the Inklings and Octolings barefooted?" Marina asked as she looked out their giant window in the studio.

"It's that new gear that Grizz is giving out. The friendship bracelet." Pearl said. She was scrolling through social media. "You have something against barefooted people too?" She teased.

"What no." Marina shook her head. "Isn't a bracelet suppose to go on your wrist?"

Pearl shrugged. "Yeah but where's the fun in that? Besides there are ankle bracelets too."

Marina hummed." I hope they don't step on anything bad."

The DJ can't help but wince as she sees an inkling stub his toe on pole. The poor kid had a pained smile on his face.

Pearl doubled over, as she was laughing at the poor kid. "That's tough buddy! Man I can get used to this no shoes thing."

"I don't get it." Marina simply said. She watches an Inkling and an Octoling chase each other around the square. "Is this some special thing you guys do once in a while?"

Pearl shook her head and chuckled at her girlfriend. "Mar, it's just for fun. No one's gonna get seriously hurt."

Marina stared at her small girlfriend and laughed. "You guys are really weird."

"Hey, it's not just us that are weird. Look at the Octos!" Pearl exclaimed.

"I guess, we're the only normal ones then." Marina said.

Pearl stared at Marina with big innocent eyes as she went silent. Marina raised an eyebrow before looking down at Pearl's feet. "Not you too Pearlie!"

Pearl begins to laugh really hard." Sorry I couldn't resist!"

Marina pouted. "We should have a Splatfest about this."

Pearl wipes away small tears. "Yeah! That will be one hell of a Splatfest!"

Marina notices the cephalods gathering around from the back of the square. "What are they doing now?"

When there was no response, she looks to find Pearl missing. "Pearlie?"

She looks back at the window and face palms. Pearl was running to the crowd of Inklings.

The engineer sighed and quickly followed her crazy inkling girlfriend to make sure she doesn't hurt herself.
I think you guys get what I'm trying to do this month.

See ya tomorrow!

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