Stay Safe!

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Chapter 76: Stay Safe

"Babe, is the camera rolling?" Pearl asked, standing in front of the camera, with her hands on her hips.

The camera pointed to the ground for a moment before coming back up. "Uh I'm not sure. You didn't show me how this works..."

Pearl rolled her eyes and walked towards the Octoling. The camera was moved around a bit, as Pearl tried to see if it was recording or not.

She ran back to her previous spot and grinned.

"Ayo Inktube! Today, I'm here with my beautiful fiance this time, to quickly go over how to stay safe with this really weird sickness going around." Pearl exclaimed.

The inkling signaled Marina to pause the recording.

The recording started up again, as Pearl and Marina stood outside their home, wearing mask over their mouth and nose.

"First thing y'all should do is stay at home as much as possible." Pearl said.

"Staying at home will not only protect you but it will also protect others. There are also nurses who can't stay home because they have to take care of those who are sick. If you go out and party, you're only adding another patient in the bed for the nurses, not allowing them to go home to their families." Marina added.

"You guys hear that?! Stay your asses home unless you absolutely need to leave. Like to get groceries or somethin'" Pearl said. She pointed to her face mask. "Wear these if you go out. It'll protect you."

The camera switched to the girls again but this time they were in the house. Marina held up a giant bottle of hand sanitizer.

"If you can, get hand sanitizer. You don't need to get a giant tub like this. A smaller one that you can carry around is perfect!" Marina said.

"Make sure it has 60% of alcohol." Pearl added.

"Rubbing alcohol." The Octoling corrected. Pearl rolled her eyes and elbowed her partner's side.

"Whatever. They know what I mean."

Marina giggled, placing the sanitizer down. She looked down at the inkling and pushed her away from her.

Pearl stumbled as she tried to gain her balance again. "What the fuck was that for?!"

"Maintain some distance between you and others." Marina said, said she gestures to the distance between her and Pearl.

Pearl pouted, crossing her arms. "But what if I want to kiss you?" She asked, itching slowly towards the Octoling.

From off screen, Marina pulled a stick out and used it to keep Pearl from coming close. "You'll be able to. Just after this video, Pearlie.

"Where the hell did you-"

"If you plan to hug, kiss or have any sort of contact with someone, make sure you have on a different set of clothes, after being outside and also to wash your hands more often. Don't want to get your loved ones sick." Marina said to the camera, ignoring Pearl.

"Lastly, please look after each other. Just because we are not hanging out at Arowana Mall or something,  doesn't mean you can't talk to friends and family." Marina said, holding up her laptop.

"That's why we got the internet!" Pearl exclaimed, pulling out her phone.

"Thats all we have for now." The Octoling said. She stood next to Pearl. "Stay safe out there!"

"Until next time... Don't get cooked, Stay off the Hook!"

Short little message from our gay idols :P

I'm sure you all know this and stuff but I just had to do a little thing with these two lol
See you guys in the next chapter!

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