Hurt Comments

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Chapter 24: Hurtful Comments

"Aight one at a time, Squiddos!" Pearl shouted to the growing crowd.

Off the Hook were doing another one of their autographs for their fans. Today had been going really well for the two, especially for the rapper. However, everything began to go downward.

As they signed posters, t-shirts and other merchandise, there was one snickering group up front, watching the smaller idol.

"Man how can anyone even like her? She is so ugly and her raps aren't even fresh!" One of them said, watching a little girl go up to her with a replica of her crown.

"I know right! I bet Marina would do soooo much better without her! Who needs raps when you got a singing, sexy looking inkling!"

As they continue to bad mouth the Inkling, they got louder and louder.

"HAHA I bet Marina hates her so much but only works with her to be nice!"

"Remember that time where she slipped off the stage while dancing? That was the funniest squit I have ever seen in my life!"

"Let's hope that happens again, but this time she stays down!"

All these comments reached Pearl and Marina's ears. Marina looked at Pearl, with a slightly sadden face at the terrible comments.

Pearl had a unreadable expression, which made the Octoling worry a little bit. Soon Pearl smirked and shouted to the crowd. "Aight, looks like we're out of time! Gotta prep for the Splatfest!"

She waved the peace sign, grabbed Marina's arm and scurried out the crowd, towards home.

There was complete silence, except for the sound of their footsteps.

Marina continued to look at the inkling. She began to ask if she was okay but Pearl quickly turned to her with a pained smile. "I'm aight Mar! Those comments don't hurt me yo! It only pushes me forward!"

"Come on let's hurry!" Pearl says, picking up the pace.


Luckily, They made it back before the fans could relocate them.

Once they entered the house, Pearl immediately headed straight to her room, muttering goodnight.

Looking at the mirror, she stared at her self.

Am I really that ugly.... Are my raps that bad.... Does Marina really hate me?!

She felt something wet slide down her cheek as she continued to stare at her form.

Wiping it away, she realized she was crying.

Cod, I hate crying....

There was knocking at her door. "Pearlie?"

Clearing her throat, she replied, "What's up?" Her voice sounded terrible.

"Are you okay?" Marina asked once more.

"I told ya already, I'm... fine."

"... Ok well If you need me, I'll be at the table, working on the song. Dinner is in the fridge if your hungry."

"Thanks Marina."

Footsteps were heard as the Octoling walked away from the door.

Pearl crashed into her pillow and let out all the tears that she had been holding onto. She did her best to sob as quietly as she can since she didn't want her co-worker to worry over her problems.

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