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Chapter 46: Sleep

(I'm basically trying to tell myself to go to sleep. Running on 2 hours of sleep isn't healthy for me)

Pearl had went to bed about 3 hours ago and Marina still sat at her desk, creating beats for their new song.

This isn't the first time Marina has done this. Pearl has tried to break her habit of staying up so late but hadn't had any luck.

"Not that one either..." She quietly mumbled to herself. She needed to get this song done by the end of this week and it was Wednesday.

The bass on this one was too powerful to fit into the song. She'll have to scrap this part and recreate a whole new set.

Marina pushed her glasses off her face and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Maybe I should just call it a night..." She looks at her clock. "Or day..." She face palms herself for staying up past 1am once again.

"Reena? You still up?"

Marina turns towards her girlfriend who sleepy sat up, rubbing her eyes. Cod, she looked so cute.

"Yeah... Sorry I didn't wake up did I?" Marina asked, getting up from her seat and walks over to sit next to the sleepy inkling.

"Nah." Pearl's voice was slightly scratchy. "I woke up feeling really cold. I see why I was cold now. Marina, you need to sleep. Getting 2-3 hours of sleep per day isn't healthy."

Marina sighed. "I know Pearlie but we gotta get this done."

"The deadline is Sunday... It's Wednesday!" Pearl said, grabbing her girlfriend's hand. "Work later, Sleep now."

Marina looked at Pearl and climbed in bed. Pearl snuggled closer to the Octoling, wrapping her small arms around Marina's waist. "See? This isn't so hard is it?"

"Shut up Pearlie..." Marina quietly giggled. Her eyes felt really heavy and soon was on her way to sleep.
Go tO sLeEp KaKoShI!¡

I'm trying so hard but I haven't been sleepy well lately. Oh well, See ya tomorrow!

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