Happy 1 year anniversary!

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Yo guys, not another chapter but I just want to say Happy 1 year anniversary to Off The Hook! (I may or may not be late for this but whatever XD)

I just wanna take a chapter and talk about how much Off The Hook had come so far and how much they mean to me, even though it's a game.

It's been a whole year since they began their daily news with Inkopolis and they had come so far.

The first reveal on the two I didn't really care too much as I was exactly new to the game since I never played Splatoon 1 but as I watched their news and concerts, I began to admire them so much to the point where they became my fav idols/singers in real life and in game XD

Sometimes I get inactive and unmotovated at times to the point I don't really wanna do anything. Eat,Play,Write chapters, etc.

But the music Off The Hook produces helped me to keep moving. Hell I even memorized their little dance moves on their Splatfest concert and Live Concerts to keep me active. Especially Acid Hues, Ebb and Flow and Octo Fly Octo~Ebb and Flow! These songs are way too upbeat to just stay still with!

Most of these chapters I had written all come from the songs, quotes and pictures I had heard or seen in the game or on Splatoon 2 News.

And it's not just Pearl and Marina, it's also the Voice actors of the 2, Rina Itou as Pearl and Alice as Marina!

Without those two, there really wouldn't be a Marina or Pearl now would there XD

Our MC Princess, Pearl Houzuki had such a long journey since the start of Splatoon 2! We all know she was hated for a real long time for her big forehead and how 'ugly' and short she is.

(Her last name was revealed in the Octotune thing yesterday. Her full name is Pearl Hime Houzuki)

Which doesn't make any sense, since from my eyes, she has a normal size forehead like us! It's just she doesn't have bangs or anything.....

After the last 2 Live Concerts in Europe and Nico Nico Choukaigi, they started to like her a little more. I loved Pearl after the concerts and didn't think of one better than the other because they couldn't have done any good if they were separated.

Her brat like attitude, pop princess appearance,her smol form, a rap coddess..... I just love everything about Pearl!

Now time for miss DJ_Hyperfresh, Marina Ida. So we all know from the start of Splatoon 2 Marina was already a favorite by many people.

My first thoughts on Marina were slightly negative at first. I had watched videos on Splatfest to see how they worked and judging from the way people 'admired' the Octoling, I thought she would have ruined Splatfests for everyone.

Luckly, I was proven wrong as I saw that Pearl had won many Splatfest and people weren't just picking Marina because.... of her character design and all!

I love how Marina is almost always calm and collected during the news and when you are passing by their window in the square, or how sassy and excited she can be about almost anything that Pearl throws at her.

(Slight OE spoiler ahead)

And the fact that she is a Combat engineering prodigy really shook me! Kinda scared me a little to know that Marina was badass back in her past. Especially since she designed the flipping Flooder that killed me more times than I can count in Single Player!

Those Flooders.... Marina, why did you create such terrible enemy T-T

Not only was she a prodigy in engineering, she is a freaking badass DJ. At first I thought it was someone else producing such music, but after seeing her go DJ during the live concert, It made me love her alot more.

I even thought at some point, she was the daughter or grandchild of DJ Octavio ._.

She even plays the keytar (Is that how you spell it?) In Much Warfare, which is one of my fav songs. Tbh I think all Off The Hook songs are my fav XD


Now it's time to tell you guys, when I began to ship the greatest ship of then all :D

Simple, here are the 3 quotes from the news that had me thinking they were together:

Pearl: "Yo Marina, I may be a cake girl at heart, but I sure love Octo-Pie!"

Marina: "Ah Pearlie, I'm not sure whether to be afraid or flattered.~"

2nd quote

Pearl: "Marina, what's the appeal to using a splatbrella here?"

Marina: "To protect my precious Pearlie, Of Course!"

(This one was hinted big for me XD)

Now this confirmed everything for me as I began my shipping journey with Pearlina

Pearl: "I'll Super Jump straight into your heart, and nothin' could ever keep up apart!"

Marina: "I've gotta make a beat for those lyrics! We'll call it "Blazing Love Meteor!"

Those exact quotes is what made me start shipping Pearlina.

Some people think we ship Pearlina because they are always together and they are females. But it's more to that!

It's the way the two compliment one another on live shows, concerts and all that stuff! You've seen it too! The OE chat rooms only confirmed their relationship!

Pearl: "I swear Cuttlefish, If you try to splat Marina, I will Cut A Fish!"

Pearl is obviously protective of Marina, even if she is an Octoling.

I haven't played the Expansion yet but I had seen the chat rooms and ending myself. The hug at the end was too pure to say they are non-canon.

Someone told me on Tumblr, "Can't friends just hug like normal friends?"

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Someone told me on Tumblr, "Can't friends just hug like normal friends?"

Of course friends can hug like normal friends... But Pearl and Marina aren't just normal friends! They are girlfriends!

Friends don't sleep with your squid icon in their bear clutches or Carry it in the studio. They also don't tackle their friends to the ground, smothering them with kisses! (At least that's what it looks like to me, during the ending.)


To finish up my rant, I just want to say Thanks Nintendo for the amazing characters in the game!

I know alot of people prefer the Squid sisters over the two but that doesn't change my love for Off The Hook as I see them as my first original idols in Splatoon.

About the Squid vs Octoling Splatfest coming up.... I sure hope this doesn't end out bad for Pearl and Marina. I mean they are basically starting the Great Turf War all over again.

I may not be able to participate since I'm still out of state, but I'll support both teams because I simply will not be able to choose between the two.

Good Luck Squidos and Octodudes and give it all you got!

Don't Get Cooked, Stay Off The Hook!

Happy Anniversary, Off The Hook!

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