Sick (Again)

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Chapter 31: Sick

"Rina, you're not going to this interview!" Pearl said, placing the DJ back in bed.

"But Pearlie, I feel fine..."

"You're temperature is really high and you're shivering"

"But I can still-"

Pearl placed her hands on her shoulders. Sighing, she looked deep into her pink-teal eyes. "Marina, I worried for your health right now. You say that you're fine but you're not. Please stay here and get some rest. For me..."

Marina was shocked yet happy to see such love and care the inkling had for her. "Ok Pearlie... Only for you"

"Good. If it makes you feel any better, you can watch the interview on TV and act like you're the one answering the questions."

"Haha OK, you better get going or you'll be late." Marina says, before coughing violently.

This caused the inkling to have second thoughts on her leaving the sick Octoling home alone.

Marina caught onto the look immediately and shook her head. "No Pearl, go on, I'll be fine."

"Ok, text me if anything happens or somethin'... " Pearl reminded, giving the Octoling a warm hug and kiss on the forehead.

"I will. Love you Princess!"

"Love ya too, ya dork"

Marina looks at the time and realizes Its time for the interview. She turns on the TV to see her small girlfriend and a couple of guys.

"Today, we are here with one of the members of Off The Hook, Pearl Houzuki. Now tell us Ms. Houzuki, where is the other half of OTH?"

"One, just call me Pearl. No need to be formal and Marina is currently really sick and was unable to attend."

"Aw that's a shame. Well let's get going with this shall we?" The interviewer asked, which earned a thumbs up from Pearl.

"Q1: Any lucky inkling catch your eye?"

Marina held in a laugh as Pearl's face completely shifted from calm to slight annoyance.

"Nope" Was her response.

"You sure about that?  People say that you hung around Emperor back then."

That's when Pearl's whole mood shifted into horror. "Wha-No way dude!  Emperor is my big bro yo!"

"O-Oh we apologize then. We'll just move onto the next question. What do you think about your co-star Marina?"

Pearl's expression changed soft at the mention of Marina name. "What I think of Marina huh? Meeting Rina has been the greatest gift I had ever received my whole life. Without her, there wouldn't be Off The Hook and I would have been still screaming my lungs out."

Pearl huffed. "I know this thing is important and all but can I just talk about how amazing Marina is? Like her mad DJ skills is what makes our hits mark off the charts ya know. And that angelic voice of hers, is inkcredible. It's not just her talent I admire but on who she is. Marina is a smart, beautiful, talented, kind person and I wouldn't want to be partnered up with anyone but her."

Pearl looks dead at the camera as if she was looking at Marina. "And I really mean this Marina." Pearl does a sign that Marina recognizes as 'I love you so much' in sign language.

Marina had tears streaming from her face as she listens to what Pearl had spoken about her.

One of these days, she'll hope to return such kind, loving gesture.

When Pearl arrived back home, she found the Octoling sleep, on the couch with dried tear stains on her face.

'Oh cod was she in pain or somethin'?' Pearl freaked out.

The rapper wrapped one of her arms under Marina's legs and one arm to support her head and proceeded to carry her to the bedroom.

Marina was surprisingly light, which was good for Pearl, since she was a lot smaller than Marina.


"Shhh go back to sleep Mar..."

She entered the room and gently placed the DJ on the bed and covered her with the blankets.

She was about to exit, but the Octoling called out, "S-Stay with me please...."

Pearl couldn't say no to the poor sick Octoling so she took off her shoes and crawled in bed. Marina wrapped her  toned arms around Pearl's small form, bringing her closer.

"Thank you for everything Pearlie...."

Pearl placed a kiss on the sleepy Octoling's forehead before drifting off herself. "You're welcome... Anything for you. "

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