Big day part 1

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Pearl paced around the room as she internally panics about the upcoming event that would take place in an week.

Tera sat on the couch, watching the nervous squid pace around the room. "You know the wedding is in 7 days right?"

Pearl stopped and glared at the other inkling. "Of fucking course I know that! It's my own wedding."

"So why are you freaking out this early?"

Pearl doesn't respond at first as she folds her arms and lets her eyes wander around the room, looking anywhere but at Tera. Her foot rapidly taps the ground. "I don't know! I was super confident and junk a few weeks ago but once it gets close to the day, I just-" She pauses, deeply sighing.

The agent gets up and walks to the kitchen, leaving Pearl in her thoughts for a moment. After several minutes, she came back, holding a glass of strawberry milk.

She handed it to the rapper, who took the glass and jugged it down in a matter of seconds.

"You need to chill." Tera said, grabbing the now empty glass from Pearl's hands and headed back to the kitchen.

"What do you think I've been trying to do?" The MC replied, frowning.

"You're doing the exact opposite. You're thinking too much about it."

"Yeah I know, I know..." Pearl trailed off as another thought came to her. "I wonder how Marina is doin'"

"Probably in as much of a wreck as you. Maybe worse." Tera shrugged, making her way back from the kitchen.

Pearl groaned as she plopped onto Tera's couch. "Whoever invented this dumb tradition ain't gonna like it if I end up seeing them one day."

Tera chuckled lightly. "You do realize that the tradition is older than Captain Cuttlefish right?"

"Shut up and let me grumble in peace!" Pearl barked.

Tera laughed at the inkling, causing her to pout even more.

"You're suppose to be comfortin' me. Not laughin', ya damn jerk." The rapper playfully glared at the agent.

"Are you pacing around the room, panicking over your own wedding that is like a week away?" Tera simply asked. The inkling shook her head no, causing Tera to smile. "Then I think I did my job."

Pearl grinned at the inkling. "You right... Thanks dude."

"No probs. I have to make sure you're good or else Marina will splat me."

"She wouldn't splat ya. She's too pure for that." Pearl replied.

"You sure about that?" 3 asked, folding her arms. "You should hear her when she's defending you aganist fans. She's pretty scary when she's mad."

Pearl blinked. "Nahh, I don't believe it until I see it."

"You can ask Sky. She saw it first hand."

"Sky? Hm that girl could never lie... Alright, I'll ask her." Pearl said. She was a little curious on this scary Marina matter now. "By the way, you make some good ass strawberry milk."
"Mommy, are you doing okay?" Sky asked as she watched her mom search through her large toolbox.

Marina pulled out a screwdriver and set it on the desk, next to her laptop. "Of course. Why do you ask?" She replied, turning around to smile at the small Octoling.

Sky frowned. That smile didn't match her eyes. "You don't seem like it. You seem stress and nervous."

Marina pushed her box out the way and used the screwdriver to open the back of her computer. "What makes you think that?" She asked.

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