Happy birthday Pearlie!

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AN: Hey guys, It was Rina's birthday! (Pearl's Voice actor) This is basically where this chapter comes from.

Marina stirs awake as she feels her fiance snuggle closer to her in bed. She smiles and gives the inkling a small kiss on her forehead before gently freeing herself from the Inkling's grip.

Fiance.... That's gonna take a while for Marina to get used to. Marina blushes as she remembers that night when Pearl proposed. When they had woken up the following day, she thought it was all a dream until she saw the ring on her finger and she could of burst into another round of tears but held it all in.

Marina rubs her thumb aganist the silver ring and smiles. Then she gets up and gets ready for the day.
After eating her cold breakfast, she goes through squitter. Nothing special was going on today. They had to go announce the stages in a few hours. It's somewhat boring since there are no Splatfest for the next year or two.

The click hit 8am and her phone goes off l, slightly startling the Octoling. She picks up her phone, thinking it was a phone call but instead it was a reminder on her phone.

🎂Pearlie's 23rd Birthday!🎂

Marina gasped as she shot straight up, nearly knocking her laptop over.

I was so overwhelmed with the whole proposal that I completely forgot Pearlie's birthday was coming up!

Marina quickly grabbed her...or she should say Pearlie's oversized hoodie and slipped on some shoes, grabbed her card and ran out the door.

Just as she left, Pearl came out the room, sleepy and confused at the sudden slamming of the door. "Rina? What's going...."

She looks around to see her beloved gone. "On? Is it time for work??"

Marina ran through a list of stuff she had made a few months ago on what to do for Pearl.

Cake mix? Check
Candles? Check
Balloons? Check
Decorations? ....Marina checks her bag. Check!

The Octoling sighs as she looks at her last item. Get Pearl to stay home.

That's gonna be a real hard one. The inkling could never stay out in one place for more than a few hours, unless Marina is there with her.

Pearl rested aganist the couch as she watched some ancient cartoon that was playing. It was about a cat that looked really different from the Judds and some really small brown creature that had arms and legs like inklings and Octolings. The brown creature was running away from the weird cat.

Pearl doesn't understand why she finds the show so interesting. It's just so wacky looking. Especially when the cat gets squished by something big and the brown dude laughs at him.

What a weird pair of friends...

Pearl looks at her phone and still hadn't received a message or call back from Marina. It was starting to make her feel uneasy.

She was hoping to spend some time with her new fiance at home, where they could just relax until they had to work.

Speaking of work... Pearl should start heading to the studio.

Just as she thought that, her phone buzzed. She looked at it to see a message from their manager.

Heya Pearl! I'm giving you two a day off! Have a great day!

The Inkling groaned and slide off the couch. "Greatttt..." She grumbled. Now she doesn't know what to do.
4 hours later

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