Get up

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Chapter 47: Get up

Marina walked into their bedroom, to find her small girlfriend snoring away  as the clock strikes noon.

She rolls her eyes and walks over to Pearl's side. "Come on Pearlie... It's noon." She said as she gently shook her shoulder.

Pearl grunted and pulled the blankets more over herself.

"Please?" Marina pleaded. She patted the small Inkling's head.

"No." Pearl grumbled.

"Why? I wanna see my princess..." Marina asked, pouting. "Were you up all night, watching Into the Squid-verse again?"

When Pearl was silent, Marina sighed. "Should of known. Come on, up you go!" Marina yanked the blankets back and picked her girlfriend up.

Pearl yelps in Surprise, as she holds onto Marina. "W-Why won't you let me sleep?" She mumbled, digging her face in the crook of Marina's neck.

"Because it's noon and I miss you." She kisses the rapper's cheek. "Come on, let's get you up and running."

Late again ._.

I began playing Breath of the Wild for the first time and lost track of time.

Good news, Remember me will be back real soon~

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