Interview Time!

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Chapter 23: Interview Time!

"Marrr do we really have to go...."

Marina laughed and patted the rapper's head as they headed out the door. "For the 3rd time, yes Pearlie."

"But whyyyy? All they do is ask stupid questions" the inkling complained.

"Well it's called an Interview for a reason. Besides it'll be over real quick."

The response she got was a grunt as the inkling walked ahead of her.

"Wait up Pearl!" Marina said, catching up.

"Glad you can make it miss Marina and miss Pearl." Said an jellyfish.

"Go on and take a seat right here. The two should be here in a moment."

"Thank you." Marina said politely.

They take a seat in the chairs next to the coffee table as they waited for their interviewers.

"Psst Mar guess what?" Pearl whispered.

Marina hummed in question as she looked at her small girlfriend.

"I love you!"

The DJ smiled and whispered back. " I love you too Pearlie!"

The two had been keeping their relationship secret from all their fans. If word got out that they are dating one another, things would get crazy. Especially if it's an Octoling and an Inkling together.

"Knock, Knock!" A voice called out by the door.

"Really Callie... Just walk in already"

"Lighten up Marie!"

Marina gaped at the two appearances. Pearl just laughed at her girlfriend's reaction.

"Oh my Cod Pearlie! It's the Squid Sisters!" She squealed.

"Come on Mar, I know you love em and all but chill haha"

"Hiya Marina and Pearl! Nice to finally meet you two!" Callie greeted, followed by a wave by Marie, who is very grumpy by the fact she was shook out of her little nap.

"N-Nice to meet you too!" Marina said, smiling nervously.

"Hows Inkopolis News treating ya?" Callie asked, taking a seat in front of the two.

"Pretty good yo!"

"Rawesome! Ok We just gonna ask a few questions. Try your best to answer them!"

"Ask away!"

They asked some very simple questions like: What did you think about your first debut and When did you first get into singing/rapping?

But then questions got very personal that even Marie didn't want to be the one to ask them.

After answering one question, Callie looks down at the paper she was reading off of and noticed there was one question.

"Ok last question. Are you currently in a relationship?"

Off The Hook went wide eyes at such question and looked at one another with a panic expression.

Pearl clears her throat, bring the attention to her. "Well erm I-I mean.... Yes I am in one."

Marina looks at her in surprise but then shakes her head. "I am in one as well."

Callie nods her head and proceeds to check off the question off the list. Before she did, she noticed there was a little caption attached to the question.

"Oh looks like I missed this one. If you are in a current relationship, Who are you together with?"

Marina felt like slowly drowning herself in a giant tub full of Mayo... And she HATED that stuff.

"What type of questions are these?! Aren't they supposed to be working related?! Not about our personal lives!" Pearl outburst, throwing her hands up.

Callie just shrugged. "I don't make the questions. The jellymen do!"

"Callie, they are called Jellyfish...." Marie corrected with a soft snicker.

"....Anyway, You guys said your in a relationship so who are you in the relationship with?" Callie asked, eager to know.

"Erm..." Both couldnt answer. They were about to reveal one of their biggest secrets.

They look at one another for help as they were both stuck. Pearl closed her eyes, thinking for a minutes before opening them, with a smile full of confidence.

Let's just tell em Mar! I mean it's only Marie and Callie! Was what Marina had read out of Pearl's eyes.

Marina took a deep breath and looked at Callie. "Ok We'll spill it. The one I'm dating is a 4'9 rapping Inkling Princess.

"And the one I'm dating is a tall sexy looking Octoling that knows how to sing and work those turntables!"

"P-Pearlie!" Marina exclamied at the sentence.

"Wha' it's true!"

Callie eyes shimmered as they revealed their relationship status to them and ran around the table to bring the two into a giant hug, which caused Marina to nearly faint since her one of her favorite idols were hugging her.

"I told you Marie!" She boasted."

"You didn't need to tell me anything Cal! I'm the one that brought it up!" Marie said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah Yeah... So how long you've been together? She asked as she released them from her clutches.

"A-Almost a year" The DJ replied, slightly blushing.

"Well Congrats, So when did-

"Hey Hey Hey, aren't we done with questions here?" Pearl interrupted.

"Oh yeah, sorry" Callie apologies.

"Hey Callie, can you keep our relationship a secret for us? We don't want the fans going even crazier than they are now." Marina asked.

"Don't cha' worry! My lips are sealed!"

"Nice. Well peace y'all!" Pearl said, grabbing the Octoling's hand and pulling her out the building quickly

"See ya around!" Callie and Marie waved.

"Whoa Pearlie! Whats with the rush?!" Marina asked, trying to keep up.

"I wanna get home so I can resume my cuddle time with my girlfriend!" The inkling said, looking back at Marina with a grin.

Marina watched the inkling with passion as she rambled on how her cuddle time before the interview was perfect and never wanting to do interviews again.

She sighed and managed to give the inkling a quick kiss on the cheek, hoping no one else saw it.

"You're so adorable Pearlie! I love you so much!" She confessed, putting the rapper out of her mid rant.

"I love ya too Rina!"

Well I managed to finish this chapter under an hour. NEW RECORD FOR ME!

I had this idea for the longest time but I couldn't find a way to format it into words lol.

Mid way while writing I got this crazy idea on adding the Squid Sisters for once. Sorry if I wrote them wrong, I never played Splatoon 1 so I don't know how they really are since they are barely in Splatoon 2

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