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Chapter 49: Yeet

(Had this finished for a whole week....)

"I can't believe you never used an inkjet Pearlie!" Marina exclaimed as they enter their own private lobby. "You're missing out!"

Pearl nudges her girlfriend as they looked at all the stages. "Shut up. I just happen to have fun using my awesome hammer."

"It's a stamp." Marina corrected, crossing her arms. "Also how are you gonna reach a inkjet using that?"

Pearl gave Marina a look. "Rina, you can just yeet the fucking thing at the person."

"I-I still don't get how that even works!" The Octoling said.

"You'll get it one day babe." Pearl laughed, standing up on her toes to plant a kiss on the Octoling's cheek.

The duo had chosen Moray Towers and were gearing up.

Pearl wore her pink and yellow hoodie with her Pearlscent crown. She held Marina's customized Octobrush in her hand, looking at the weapon with uncertainty.

"How the hell do you even use this thing?" Pearl asked, looking for a button.

Marina rolled her eyes at her companion. She wore her white crop top and light blue jeans, headphones on her head with a white bandana tied around her head. " I'll show you when we get out there."

In her hands was the Sploosh-o-matic 7. It was also customized by Pearl. Marina didn't really use shooter types that much, so this would be interesting. "You know, I had expected you to hand me a pair of dualies."

"I was gonna but I remembered the last time you had dualies." Pearl teased. Marina pouted at the memory.

She had rolled into the water countless times. Even into players at some point.

Once the game had started, they both sped down the tower to meet up in the center.

While they made their way down, the inked the area a bit so they can test out their specials.

Pearl struggled with the brush, almost throwing it when she swings it. Marina had warned her if she threw her brush off the stage, Pearl would be sleeping on the couch for a whole week.

"Make sure to have balance when you're using the jet. You'll move in the direction your body is leaning towards." The engineer briefly explained. "There's gonna be a small button on the right handle where it can boost you up higher to avoid some enemy ink."

"Yeah okay." Pearl nodded. She quickly pressed the button and she was shot into the air. She felt her ink container shift into something more heavier. Soon she was hovering above Marina. "'s not bad up here."

Then she looks down at Marina, who clapped her hands and had a big smile. The rapper smirks. "Hehe Fucking shortie." She teased.

"Oh?" Marina asked. She held up her sploosh and shot at the Pearl.

"Whoa! Hey!" Pearl leaned backwards, causing the jet to Puch her back as she tries to avoid Marina's  pink ink. Her green ink leaves a trail as she moves backwards. "I'm joking Mar!"

Even though the sploosh can't reach that high, she still wanted to be safe.

Marina laughed and kept at it until Pearl was where she wanted her to be. "Sometimes I wonder, why am I in love with such a rude squid."

Pearl grinned. "Because I'm irresistible!" She replies. Then she notices that she was getting lower and lower to the ground. "Is this thing running out of juice?"

Marina giggles. "Maybe~"

Pearl expected herself to touch the ground but she kept going down until she had to look up at Marina. "Rina wha-" She looks down to see the cars speeding down the lane. "MARINA!"

The inkjet exploded and shot Pearl back up in the air and she landed where she had first been before using the special. Pearl crossed her arms and glared at her mischievous girlfriend, who was laughing really hard.

"I hate you Rina..." Pearl grumbled.

Marina wiped her tears away as she calms down. "I love you too Pearlie~"
The game ended before Pearl could teach Marina about the stamp but Marina insisted that she'll figure it out as they play.

They had chosen Sturgeon Shipyard and soon were inking their way towards the middle. Since Pearl had the brush, she was inking at a slow rate, while Marina had already covered her area and was waiting for the inkling. Pearl had her special ready and was determined to get Marina back from earlier.

She swam up to the center and saw Marina standing there, looking at her map.

Pearl activated her special and began to make her way over. The activation of the jet caused Marina to look up from her map and quickly started shooting at the hovering inkling. Pearl learned from her mistakes and kept moving forward, seeing that the weapon had no range on her.

Marina seems to notice that she has no effect and began to swim away. She does know that inkjets are only activated for about 10-15 seconds.

Pearl grunted and flew after her, inking her path as she goes.

"Come back Reena! I need my revenge!" Pearl called out.

"Come get me then~" Marina replied.

They both ended up in a corner. Marina backed up against the wall, smirking at the inkling.

Pearl had about 6 seconds left.

Pearl was ready to press the button to splat Marina's career, but Marina had other plans. The Octoling pressed a button on her gear and an ultra stamp appeared in both her hands.

Pearl reeled back on this but soon realized she still had no range on her.

"Reena, how are you gonna get me with that?" Pearl teased. She had 3 seconds to make her move.

Marina looked at the weapon, eyebrows raised for a second before realizing what Pearl had told her before.

Pearl can hear her jet beeping, reminding her that she was about to get launched back. "Ugh, I guess I'll get ya next-" She exploded in green ink as the stamp flew right through her.

Marina had an impressed look on her face and she analyzes the aftermath. "You were right Pearlie. Throwing the stamp is very satisfying to do."

When Pearl had respawned, she immediately swam back over to where Marina was laughing her ass off. "How dare you!" She glared at the Octoling, crossing her arms.

"Y-You shouldn't have told me about the throwing function Pearlie!" Marina replied, dropping her weapon to hug the small inkling, who refused to give into the warm embrace. "Aww come on Pearlie! Don't be mad at me!"

".... You're so lucky I love you." Pearl grumbled, finally giving into the embrace.

Marina smiled and pecked the small inkling's forehead. "I love you too. I'll make it up to you Pearlie. How about some cake later?"

Pearl perked up at this. "With mayo?"

"....with mayo."

There has been stamps yeeted at me several times and it scares the hell out of me.

Sorry for the absence. I gotta finish rewriting that chapter for AU. Should be out by Tuesday.

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