Agent 4 & A Wanderer

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Chapter 48: Agent 4 & A wanderer (An Au where Pearl and Marina meet differently)

Pearl grunts as she drops into a roll to avoid the Octarian ink. She was collecting mini Zapfish in a replica of Moray Towers. There were at least 3 Octarian chargers and probably 10-15 Octolings.

She had tried to be stealthy about it but she had rolled into an bad spot. 3 Octos appeared, one with a roller, and the other 2 had blasters.

"Great...." Pearl mumbled. The agent hated killing Octolings. Made her feel... sick and guilty. It was almost like she was killing her own species.

Maybe she should just grab the fishes and go, avoiding all the Octoling's all together. She was quick enough after all. The mini Zapfish was behind the Octoling's and then there was a edge where she can drop down from.

Pearl clipped her hero shot to her belt and ran forward, straight at the 3 Octolings. When she got close enough, she fell back, extending her leg out, as she slide between one's legs.

She threw a splat bomb and grabbed the Zapfish. Then she jumped off the edge and landed at the bottom of Moray Tower. But there was a tiny problem.

Fuck! Pearl panicked.

She had landed in the center of the mess. Chargers locked onto her and a couple of Octolings began jumping to her location.

"I-Its fine. It's fine! I got 3 chances at this...." Pearl said to herself, unclipping her hero shot, hesitantly putting her finger on the trigger.

The Octoling's were now closing in on Pearl but Pearl couldn't help but notice one Octoling that was in the back, slowly backing away.

Pearl sighed. "I'm so sorry..." Then she opened fire. She picked off each Octoling, one by one. Then she climbed up and took down the chargers as well.

Looking at her mess, she sighs. Why did she agree to this... Damn it Marie!

She looks over at the narrow area of the stage and began to walk over. She turned to corner to find the shaken up, dark skinned Octoling, on the floor with her head between her knees.

She clips her hero shot back and takes a step forward.

The sound of her footsteps caused the Octoling to look up and her form began shaking violently. She began scooting away from the inkling, saying something in Octarian. By the tone of her voice, Pearl could tell she was pleading for Pearl not to splat her.

Pearl held up her hands. "Hey I'm not gonna hurt you." To prove her words, she sits against the wall, careful to keep her distance so she doesn't scare the scared Octoling.

The Octoling stops her panicking and just stares at the Inkling. Pearl couldn't tell what expression she was making because of the goggles she has on.

Pearl cleared her throat. "You didn't attack me... Why?" She asked. "Not that I want you to or anything!" She added.

The Octoling looked at Pearl and then back at the ground.

Pearl raised an eyebrow before realizing. "Oh right. You can't speak Inkling can you?" Pearl said. Then she slipped off her little bag and searched through it. "Give me a sec. I got something to help."

"Pearl? Come in Pearl?" Her radio went off. The Octoling looked at the device.

Pearl grunted. "I'm here Marie."

"How's collecting the Zapfish going? You've been there for a while now."

"Fine. Just fine. I'll finish up shortly." Pearl said.

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