Secret Admirer

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Chapter 22: Secret Admirer

(Don't mind Marina up there... We uh need to 'contain' her for a while) Art by Avibleu

"Hey Pearlie, your team doesn't stand aganist us this time!" Marina said confidently.

"Pfft of course we don't stand against y'all... We're on a whole different level yo!" Pearl replied, throwing a smirk at her friend.

It was the first(Second?) Splatfest of 2018, Money vs Love.

"Everyone knows money gets ya all the things ya need. That inkcludes (sorry) love yo!" Pearl countinued.

"But why have money when all you really need is love?! Love brings you happiness!" Said the DJ.

"Rinaaaa let's not start this again!" The rapper said, collasping onto the couch.

Marina nodded, taking a seat on the couch as well. She pulls put her phone and gets on Squidstagram, while Pearl turned on the TV.

"Hey Pearlie, look at this." Marina said, handing the inkling the phone.

"What is this?" Pearl asked, trying to figure out why a long paragraph was so interesting.

"Seems like I have another secret admirer! And they seem to know a whole lot about me! They seem so different from the other admirers I got." The Octoling explained.

"What makes em different?"

Marina just shakes her head. "I don't know... Read the paragraph for yourself. Their words are just so familiar yet I can't place my finger on why it does."

Pearl laughs. "Aight I will."

She looks at the paragraph and begins to read it.

Dear, Marina, the freshes girl I know in all of Inkopolis!

Marina, You may or may not know me but I been thinking about you for a real long time. Since that Love vs Money Splatfest is coming up, I thought it would be the perfect time to tell you that you mean the world to me.

Your smile is like the best thing that I have ever seen in my life. It makes me feel all bubbly inside when you do yo!

The way you handle the turntables always gets me excited. Lets me know that I'm gonna have a great time!"

The way you treat others brings massive load of respect from me. You never ignore fans and always makes sure to give each on a moment with photos or autographs, no matter how crazy they get.

You know how to cheer up someone who is very upset with who they are.

What I'm really trying to say here Marina, is I love you a whole lot. You bring me the happiness I need in life.

No matter what type of Splatfest it is, When I choose to be on your team, I will always support you! Even if I'm on the other team, you have my support!"

Well I think I wasted enough of your time, but I hope you took the time to read this. Like I said, you may or may not know me so please don't take me has a stalker lol.

Your Secret Admirer

"Wow yo! They sure do know you pretty well for a fan!" The rapper said, handing back her phone.

"I know right! Should I reply back and see if I can find out who they are?"Marina asked.

Pearl shakes her head. "Nah, I think you should wait until the Splatfest, this weekend! That way you can maybe spot em out.

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