Tagged again

415 7 8

Dang I got tagged like 3 times this week pfft

Well alright then, let's do this!

So I've been tagged by Fade_Away, Nonexistantloser and @Irodriguez7639 (Tag didn't work for some reason)

Anyway 10 things about myself?
1. I'm a 9th grader
2. I'm 5'7
3. Have 2 sisters 3 brothers
4. Uhh I have a dog at my house and 3 dog-brothers at my mom's boyfriend's house.
5. Allergic to cats :')
6. 666 B) Jk uh My birthday is November 21
7. I have 1,125 hours on Splat :D
8.  I'm a thinker. Like I think all the good dang time. Which is why it takes me long to update because I think of a plot for wayyy too long. :P
9.Im female~ Not sure if people even know that, despite me saying it many times
10. I laugh at the smallest stuff pfft.

I'm not gonna tag alot of peps.


Uh I'm not sure what else I'm suppose to do but

Au chapter will be out soon, along with L&R! Stay tuned

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