Stop Laughing and Help Me!

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Chapter 12: Stop laughing & Help Me!

It was bright and early when Pearl had woken up that morning.

They needed to be in the studio earlier today due to some special events that they were hosting today.

She was currently locked in a embrace by Marina, who was still sleeping soundly.

Pearl stared at her beauty for a couple moments with a blush before deciding to wake her.

Putting a hand on the Octoling cheek, she softly, which is super rare of her, said

"Yo, Marmar, time to get up. We gotta get to the studio a little earlier."

Marina made a soft, cute sound and opened her eyes, which were fogged with sleep.

"Mornin' Sleepy head" Pearl had said with a chuckle at how cute the Octoling looked.

"Good.. Morning" Marina replied with a yawn.

"We gotta get going soon so get ready yo" Pearl reminded, while getting up from the bed.

"Ok.." Marina said, still clouded by sleep.

They both gather their clothes. Since they were both more than comfortable to get undressed around one another, they just changed in the bedroom around each other.

Pearl had just finished putting on her signature dress. She proceeded on putting on her boots but stopped when she heard a soft grunt.

"Everything aight Marmar?" Pearl ask in concern.

"" Marina replied.

Pearl turns towards her girlfriend and immediately started bursting out laughing.

Marina was so sleepy that she took one of Pearl's shirts and tried to put in on, only to get herself stuck, since Pearl's shirts are way too small for her.

"Pearlie! Stop Laughing and Help me!" Marina shouted at Pearl, who was recording every second of Marina struggling.

"No way yo! This is payback for making fun of me being small!" Pearl said.

Eventually, Pearl had to help Marina since they needed to be at the studio soon.

Marina, who was now wide awake was annoyed by the fact that Pearl was amused by how she was stuck but eventually laughed it off.

"Better delete that footage Pearlie!"

"Wha, No way yo! This is good stuff!"

Marina groans.

"Love you too Mar!" Pearl says.

Thats all for this chapter! I got this idea from a headcanon I read about how Marina would love to wear Pearl's clothes but they were way too small. Another headcanon was how Marina would be very sleepy to where she does something's that is accidental if that makes any sense lol. So I combined the two and here it is haha! Hope you enjoy this chapter and see ya next time.

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