Into The Light

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Chapter 20: Into The Light

(Warning This may contain spoliers from the Expansion!)

Note: This will be my own made-up concert for Off The Hook so it's unofficial

Pearl's lyrics are like this

Marina's lyrics will always have this at the end~

When they sing together it will be like this~
"We will see y'all next time!" Pearl shouted to the crowd, walking away, followed by the Squid Sisters.

Marina, however stayed behind, eyes closed as she began debating about something.

I guess we could sing that song...

Clearing her throat, she looks at the crowd.

"B-Before we go, Pearl and I have one last song that we've been waiting to release." She revealed.

This statement caused the rapper to freeze in confusion before realizing which song she was talking.

Moving back over to her girlfriend, she looks at Marina in slight confusion.

"But Rina, You said you wanted to wait on that song." She reminded.

"I know but I changed my mind. Besides this seems like the perfect moment to sing this."

Pearl closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and opens them back up, filled with confidence.

"Aight, Let's do this!" She said, with a huge smile.

"Right on."

Marina walks over to her turntables and kicks in the music.

The song started out nice and soft, kinda similar to Fresh Start but with a new remixed tone to it.

You are here, never there. Here when I always need you.

You and me, There's nothing we can not do.

Marina stares into Pearl's golden eyes as the rapper sang, moving closer to the inkling.

Me and You, that'll end, sooner or later you go.

Into the Light, rising in the Sky

Marina grabs a hold of Pearl's hand and gives her a little twirl.

I had a,
Little dream,~
When we both were suited.

You could say,~
You were more than a roommate.

Although I,
Could admit,~
Think of you, everyday

I'm enjoying you, I think my heart flew

I could hold you up,~
'Nother Idea, We can always both get snacks~

As Marina sang that part, she lifted Pearl off her feet and spun in in small circles then placed the blushing inkling down.

At this point they had somewhat forgotten they were on stage.

Now You have my love, I looked to and from~
I saw you flying by, caught you from the sky~

I can feel your love,~
Put it in gear~
I wont let you outta, my sight~

Pearl holds Marina's hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

We're both in hand-in-hand
Remember the day~
I saw you flying by, caught from the sky

Before Pearl began her rap solos, Marina gave the Inkling a quick kiss on the cheek, which caused her to blush.

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