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Chapter 2: Surprise!

"And that's all the time we've got!

"Until next time... Don't Get Cooked, Stay Off The Hook! The duo said as they did their signature pose

Once they were off the air, they gathered their gear and exited the studio.

"Hey Marina"


"I gotta go do this super important thing and probably won't be back until tonight, Catch ya later!. " Pearl said as she ran off.

Marina stood there, with mixed emotions.

She forgot.... Thought Marina.

Today is Marina's 19th birthday and she wanted to celebrate it with Pearl.

Marina sighed sadly, as she pulled up her hoodie, hiding her identity to get a fresh drink from Crusty Sean without fans coming at her.

When she got there, she noticed that Sean's little truck was all closed up.

"Odd..." She thought.

She looked around the square and noticed the lack of inklings.

"Where is everyone...." She wondered out loud, concerned.


She arrived to the apartment that she and pearl shared and flopped onto the couch.

Marina decided to take a quick nap before checking to see where Pearl went.


About 1 hour later, she woke up and fixed herself a cup of tea.

As she was finishing up her tea, Pearl sent her a text.

Pearl: Hey Mar! Can ya come to the studio? I need a little help with a few things.

Marina: Sure thing Pearlie, be there in a few.

She puts on her hoodie and walked out to the studio.

When she walked in, it was pitch dark and she heard small shuffles.

"Pearl is that you?"

Marina moved over to find the light switch. Once she found it she switched it on.

Once the lights cut on there was a shout.


Marina got the biggest scare of her life. Holding her chest as she tried to calm her beating heart, looks around and sees the room filled with decorations.

She sees Pearl in front of her with a huge smile, the Squid Sisters, Mr.Grizzo, their staff, their manger, Crusty Sean and even a handful of inklings that were invited.

"Happy Birthday, Marina!"

Marina stood with a happy and tearful experssion.

"You guys didn't forget after all... Marina says as she laughs and tears come down.

Pearl walks up to her and wipes away the tears.

"Of course we didn't! We just wanted to surprise you.

"And this was all Pearl's idea" One of their staff said.

Pearl was given the biggest hug she has ever been given.

"Thanks Pearlie"

"Hehe No problem" she replies with a blush.

"Now let's have some fun everyone!"

And that's all for this chapter! Took a while but it's finally done XD Anyway See ya next time and I'll try to post the new one sooner!

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