Movie Night And Nightmares

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Chapter 17: Movie Night and Night

"And the Splatfest theme is.... How would YOU spend your free time? Basking in the glow of a great film?" Pearl asked.

"Or curled up with a good book?" Marina countinued.

"Not to hate on books, but movies are where it's AT. No question here." Pearl says as she looks at Marina.

"But Pearl, movies are so limited. With a book, the only limit is your imagination! And you must realize film adaptations never quite live up to the original" Marina replied

"Oh no... Are you one of those "The Book was better!" people? I HATE that!" Pearl says jokly as she sends a playful glare towards the DJ.

Marina playfully glares back. "It's a cliche for a reason Pearlie."

"Come oooon. A book's just a bunch of  boring words on a page. There's no sound, no cool effects, no nothing! How is this even a contest?!" Pearl protested.

"Books have their own benefits. You can read them at your own pace, for one" Ever tried to fit in a movie session in the green room between gigs?"

"Uh, no why would I? Real entertainment belongs at home or a theater, on a comfy couch or seat!" Pearl states.

Marina sighs. "Oh, it's no use arguing with you I'll just let the rest of Inkopolis prove I'm right."

"It's on! Everyone, head to the Splatfest terminal and pick the right side!" Pearl challenged.

The two began announcing the stages and finished their live session.

"I'm telling you Pearlie, my side is going to win this time!" The DJ said with confidence.

"Pfft, ya right! We all know movies and shows are the best for all!" Pearl protested back.

"We'll see Pearl!"

"Hey Mar?" Pearl then called out, causing the Octoling to look in question.

"If my team wins the Splatfest, you have to come with me to the theaters, and watch a movie with me on that night." The rapper says.

Marina thinks for a minute. "Ok sure but, if I end up winning, you have to sit with me and read a whole book."

"Deal!" Pearl shouts.

Now all we have to do is hope my side wins! Both idols thought.


"Yo Marina, why dont you share the breaking news before we announce the stages?"

"Breaking news, Pearlie what did you break this time?" Marina asked, forgetting about the results (again)

"I didn't break anything! I was talking about-"

"OHH! The Splatfest results are in!" Marina cuts her off as the screen turns on.

"Aight, let's see who's side was more popular!" Pearl announced as the percentages were being revealed.

Movies- 76% Books- 24%

"Haha How about them apples Mar?" Pearl teases.

The response she was given was silence.

"All right All right, now for the part that really matters" Pearl says.

"Yeah, popularity isn't everything." (Oh? Is that so Marina XD)

"Let's see who won the most battles!"

Please don't let her side win! Marina pleaded in her thoughts.

Movies Solo- 49% Books Solo- 51%

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