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Just wanna say, I'll get back to writing as soon as I can. School is being an asshole rn

But in the meantime, I wanna shout out a few amazing writers.

-You should definitely check them out. They got this amazing Splatoon/Zombie story going on, that includes Pearlina and Agent 24 I believe. Wonderful plot and its one of those few stories that have me on the edge of my chair :P

-They are a great writer on Ao3. I've read their stories on Ao3 and they have also uploaded some of their oneshots on here as well. Check em out

-They got an great oneshot book you should totally check out

-At the moment, they are gone for a bit I believe, but they got a cool book that's an AU on what would of happen to those on Team Order and Chaos.

I would shout out more but then this would be the length of a whole chapter at some point.

I'm gonna start writing real soon so I'll see you guys in a bit

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