Putting the Plan to Work

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Chapter 34: Putting the Plan to Work (Part 2 of See you soon!)

Bzzz Bzzz

Grunting, Pearl blindly reached over to the nightstand to her grab the disrupting device. She glances over at the screen to see who's calling at 8 in the morning.

I swear,if it's another scammer.... I'm gonna- Her thought was cut off as she reads the name.


She quickly pressed the green button and Marina popped up on her screen.

The Octoling looked slightly tired but held a bright smile as she looks at her small girlfriend. "Hey Pearlie! I hope I didn't wake up you..."

"Eh ya didn't." Pearl lied, smiling. "I woke up early for once. How's it goin' in Calamari City?"

"It's called Calamari County and it's been real eventful so far." Marina replied.

The tall idol has been gone for 3 days now and Pearl was longing to hold her girlfriend.

"Eventful huh? Can ya tell me about it?" Pearl asked, pushing herself further into the fluffy pillow.

"Sure but I gotta make it quick since I'm suppose to be going in 10."

Marina told her about how she had to super jump away from the crowd because they were all eager to get an autograph or picture with her. Even when she did, they somehow found her again and wouldn't stop banging on her hotel door until security came and dragged them away.

Well that's explains why she looks tired. Pearl thought.

"Man I just wonder how many people from different cities know about us?" Pearl wonders.

"Probably a whole lot." Marina replied. The Octoling looks at her phone clock and sighed. "Looks like I gotta go now Pearlie. I really wish you were here...It's so lonely without you."

"I wish I was there too. Cod, I just wanna give ya a hug and kiss rn." Pearl says softly. Then she laughed. "Man I sound like a total sap right now"

"You sure do. But you're so sweet!" Marina smiled sadly."I gotta go now Pearlie! I'll call you later!"

Pearl whined. "Aww alright then, I guess it can't be helped. I love you Rina! Don't get cooked out there!"

Marina laughed. "I love you too Pearlie! And Stay Off The Hook!"

Marina blew a kiss and ended the call.

Pearl stared at her phone for a moment, before dropping her head back into the pillows.

"Cod, why can't 6 weeks be over with already..." She says out loud.


"So where are we going?" Sky asked as she and Pearl walked through the terrain of Octo Valley.

"To Reena's old house. I want to help her mom and brother reach the surface too." Pearl replied. The rapper spots the familiar house and gently pulls Sky. "There it is! C'mon!"

They reached the front porch and Pearl raised her fist to knock on the door. However, she stopped her motion when she heard 2 voices going on inside.

"-Now I'm going to ask you again, Where.Is.She?!" A dark, rough voice booked through the door.

"I-I don't know! I haven't seen her in years! Why can't you just leave us alone Octavio!?

Pearl felt the small Octoling freeze up beside her. "Octavio? Who's that?"

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