I told you to be careful!

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Chapter 44: I told you to be careful!

"I can't believe you!" Marina fumed, as she cleans up the ink flowing down Pearl's knee. Pearl had her arms crossed, wincing when Marina swiped the cloth on the center on the wound.

"I told you 4 times not to use the hoverboard by the stairs..." Marina said.

"It doesn't hurt that bad Mar. It was a stupid accident." Pearl grumbled.

"I don't care. We wouldn't be here if you had listen to my warning Pearlie..."Marina sighed. She bandaged her knee and stood up. "There. Take it easy for me please?"

Pearl smiled. "Sure Marina. And sorry for not listening."

The Octoling stroked Pearl's cheek. "It's alright Pearlie." She kissed the inkling. "Just promise me you'll be more careful."

Pearl nodded. "I will babe."
Only slept for 2 hours :') This was the best I can come up with. Now onto my 2nd one-shot

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